
$2,305 donated
Given by 31 generous donors in one year

They lost everything, including their Husband/Dad/Grandfather. Please help them get back on their feet

Bay of Plenty

Kua tau mai te pouri, mamae ki runga ia tatou.

Kua riro katoa te ao o te whaea i nga ringa ō mahuika

He whakaaro hei paku awhina I te whaea/tuahine me ana tamariki ki te hiki ake I o ratou wairua

Anei he nama paku awhina ia ratou

Nga mihi aroha kia tatou mo nga awhina putea...

Ngaro tragically lost his life in a recent house fire in Ruatahuna.

In addition to their grief, all was lost in the fire and left his family with nothing but the clothes on their backs.

Please help in any way.

Whaititri Tawa's involvement (page creator)

This person is my aunty who lost everything and her partner to a house fire

Use of funds

Any funds will help Ani and the kids get back on their feet, including day to day living expenses, schooling, clothing and other costs.

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Latest donations

Moeparangi on 08 Apr 2020
Love u my Aunty, so hard watching u walk alone without uncle physically by your side but no we are here..
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Apr 2020
Love you loads nan from us down here yellow n blue house...
Michael & HL
Michael & HL on 14 Mar 2020
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Jul 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Jul 2019

Who's involved?

Whaititri Tawa's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Whaititri Tawa on behalf of Te Kaawa Family - Nareta Te Kaawa and Anipeka
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This campaign started on 10 May 2019 and ended on 10 May 2020.