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Making history at the darts world championships.

$2,767 of $8,500 goal
Given by 55 generous donors in around 7 months

Donations to help cover expenses to make world history and make a 43 year dream come true.

Manawatu / Whanganui

HI everyone, thanks for looking at my page, I just made history in New Zealand by becoming the first woman with a transgender past to Win a national open darts championship. This also means I made world history, as the first Trans woman to secure my spot at the World Darts Federation (WDF) world championships in England in January 2023.

I have also secured my spot at the world darts masters in Assen Holland at the end of 2022.

This has been a dream of mine to represent my country and to play on the world stage since I was 7 years old. (I actually had 2 dreams, the other was to be on tv programme Bullseye).

I have secured my golden ticket but I need to raise funds to get there to be able fore-fill my dreams.

I don't drink or smoke so money would be used to cover costs for flights, transport, accommodation and meals.

Any help is appreciated.

Use of funds

Flights to England, Holland accommodation, transport, some meals. If we don't achieve our main goal then flights and accommodation is the biggest expenses to try and cover.

Latest update

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Update for 2023  7 February 2023

Hi everybody I can't thank you enough for the donations that have been given. We have raised $2797 and another $300 through raffles. I managed to top up the funds by selling my cars and have now paid for my flights to and from the world championships.

The updated date on the world champs has now been confirmed and although moved right back to December 2nd 2023 this allows us to continue being out there and gathering momentum for this historic event.

Sorry I have been quiet as I didn't have any thing to update until I had confirmation on exact dates. I will be playing on the nz darts circuit so I can continue to represent nz more than just once.

Any major sponsors who want to talk to me as we are designing the new shirt for 2023 and world champs please contact me.

Thank you all again for your support. Dreams stay as dreams without all your help, you have made this a reality. X

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Latest donations

Lindsay on 13 Oct 2022
Victoria Monaghan

Thank you so much for such a generous donation.

Victoria Monaghan
Pia on 01 Oct 2022
Go get ‘em hun!
Victoria Monaghan

Thanks so much Pia means a lot to get help. I'll do us proud. X

Victoria Monaghan
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Oct 2022
Victoria Monaghan

Thank you so much. 💓 it means so much and every cent makes a difference.

Victoria Monaghan
Lexie on 08 Sep 2022
Excellent. Won the tournament and all the rubbish that goes with being a trans athlete. Bravo. 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🎯
Victoria Monaghan

Thank you so much as an athlete u understand the importance of every cent. Thank you again. X

Victoria Monaghan
Jessica on 08 Sep 2022
I'm coming in your suitcase haha...
Victoria Monaghan

Thank you so much Jessica this means the world to me. Not sure how much space I'll have but anything is achievable. I am testament to that.

Victoria Monaghan

Who's involved?

Victoria Monaghan's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Victoria Monaghan
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This campaign started on 4 Aug 2022 and ended on 17 Mar 2023.