Please help our strong Levi to get access to unfunded chemotherapy.

$12,444 of $50,000 goal
Given by 174 generous donors in 9 days

Raising funds for cancer care treatment.

Mount Wellington, Auckland

Our big strong Levi has unfortunately had a large setback. On the latest MRI scan it showed an aggressive glioblastoma tumour on the occipital lobe. This in turn has meant he has lost most of his vision.

Levi has completed 10 rounds of radiation and 3 weeks of chemotherapy. The next stage is a consult with a private oncologist to access the unfunded drug Avastin. This medicine can be life saving and could help Levi extremely. Unfortunately due to having to go to a private clinic this will cost several thousands of dollars. The first consultation is around $600 for an hour. Every time the drug is administered it will cost a few thousand dollars. Unfortunately this drug is not funded in New Zealand, however it is funded in several other countries around the world.

Before becoming unwell, Levi was a coach, sports massage therapist, actor, voiceover artist and a competitive arm wrestler. Over the years he has given his time and skills away freely. Volunteering as a coach and trainer from the early age of 18. A regular at charity events, fundraising for a number of organizations including sponsoring amateur athletes who are self-funded and representing New Zealand.

Levi is an incredible father to 3 year old Ivo, we have every hope that with this drug he will be able to see his son grow up.

Thank you for all your generosity and love.

Hannah Sinden's involvement (page creator)

I have cared for Levi since his first diagnosis 4 years ago.

Use of funds

Unfunded chemotherapy drug Avastin for brain cancer.

Latest update

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A Tragic Update  8 January 2024

Hi all - thank you so much for your donations, it is so truly generous and heart warming.

I'm so sorry to share that Levi tragically lost his long battle with brain cancer on 19 December, surrounded by loved ones. He fought right to the bitter end.

All funds raised thus far will be paid to my account and will go towards funeral costs, outstanding medical bills, ongoing bills and caring for the absolute joy of Levi's life, his 3yo son Ivo.

We are extremely grateful to everyone, for your strength, support and love through this really difficult time.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 20 Dec 2023
Barba on 19 Dec 2023
Get this cancer in a deep hook and rip its arm off 💪
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 19 Dec 2023
Daryle on 19 Dec 2023
Delaney on 19 Dec 2023
Sending love to you and yours Levi xxx

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Hannah Sinden's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Hannah Sinden
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This campaign started on 11 Dec 2023 and ended on 20 Dec 2023.