Manning's Celebration of Life

$58,439 donated
Given by 838 generous donors in 14 days

To help support Manning's family to cover his funeral services.


On the 30th of November we unexpectedly and tragically lost our beautiful twenty-two year old boy, Manning. He touched so many hearts and was adored by many, he was an outgoing, charismatic and caring person. He always did his best to make everyone happy especially his newly born eight week old daughter, Ryan who is such a daddies girl. Manning was not meant to leave the earth so young, it is truly a tragedy for our family and for anyone whose heart was touched by him. We are all heart broken from this devastating news.

We are reaching out to the give-a-little community in this tough time for any Koha big or small to fund Manning's celebration of life. Any remaining donations will go towards a trust fund for his baby girl's future.

From Manning's family we appreciate your support, thank you.

Brianna Smith's involvement (page creator)

We are the sisters of Manning Smith, and daughters of Kim Blacker and Edwin Smith. We want to raise funds for his farewell and a trust fund for his baby girl Ryan Kiane.

Use of funds

Help support Manning's family to cover his funeral services. Any remaining funds will go towards a trust fund for his eight week old baby girl Ryan Kiane.

Latest update

Payee Change to Brianna Smith  17 December 2019

To relieve our parents from the stress of legal and financial documentation in this tough time, the funds will be sent to Brianna Smith to organise payment of funeral services. This way our parents are able to focus on solely grieving for Manning. Under trustee supervision and a lawyer, the remaining funds will be held in a secure trust fund for Ryan's future.

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Latest donations

Kim Beadle
Kim Beadle on 14 Dec 2019
Holty on 12 Dec 2019
Peace to you and your whanau chook, may your boy rest in peace
Amy on 11 Dec 2019
Forever in our hearts Manning. Rest in Love xx
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 10 Dec 2019
So much love for Manning. Thank you for letting me donate.
Issa on 09 Dec 2019

Who's involved?

Brianna Smith's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Brianna Smith on behalf of Manning's Farewell
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This campaign started on 1 Dec 2019 and ended on 15 Dec 2019.