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Manuka Room

$810 donated
Given by 27 generous donors in 4 weeks

Help Royal Oak Primary School raise money to grow and enhance resources to support learning programs in our school.

Royal Oak, Auckland

Royal Oak Primary needs your help! We need to raise funds to support our exceptional music, STEM and environmental programmes, as well as providing the opportunity for our tamariki to learn Te Reo. We also need to continue to provide learning support staff across all levels of the school. In addition to all these wonderful opportunities, we have embarked on a structured literacy journey and this requires resources to support its success. We treasure our tamariki and want to be able to provide the very best for them!

Royal Oak Primary School is holding a Fun Run event on Tuesday 28th March for the Acorns (Year 1-3) and Thursday 30th March for the Oaks (Year 4-6) to raise funds towards learning and development programmes.

About us

Royal Oak Primary School is a beautiful school based in Auckland NZ with a history of over 100 years. We enjoy a reputation for very good academic outcomes, a wide variety of extra-curricular activities and a committed and caring multi-cultural community.

Use of funds

The money raised will help fund resources and programmes to support our tamaraki.

Latest donations

Napinder on 30 Mar 2023
Good luck Prabh
Surjit Grewal
Surjit Grewal on 30 Mar 2023
Run like wind Prabh. Love Grandpa.
Major on 30 Mar 2023
Russell on 29 Mar 2023
All the best Enrico & have fun. Love dad.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 29 Mar 2023
Let's go Rico!!!

Who's involved?

Royal Oak Primary School's avatar
Created by Royal Oak Primary School Parent Teacher Association (School Parents Group) Incorporated, paying to a verified bank account of Royal Oak Primary School (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 6 Mar 2023 and ended on 6 Apr 2023.