Marae-wananga for the Te Papapa Primary School Māori bilingual unit.

$1,515 of $5,000 goal
Given by 32 generous donors in 12 weeks

We're fundraising to cover the costs of Te Rito's marae-wananga in term 4, 2021. Te Rito is the Māori bilingual unit at Te Papapa Primary.


Tēnā koutou katoa,

Nau mai haere mai, welcome to our give-a-little page.

In term four of 2021, Te Rito Tuakana and Potiki – the combined senior and junior Māori bilingual units at Te Papapa Primary School, Onehunga – are going on a marae-wananga to Poroti Marae, west of Whangarei.

On this wananga, our tamariki will stay at Poroti for 3-5 nights where they will get the opportunity to be immersed in te ao Māori as part of their education in te reo me tikanga (Māori language and culture).

To ensure that all tamariki have the chance to attend, te whānau ō Te Rito are fund-raising to cover the costs of our haerenga (journey).

So, if you're in a position to support this kaupapa, all donations - large and small - are gratefully and humbly received by the whānau.

Nga mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa,

Te whānau ō Te Rito.

Ryan Bodman's involvement (page creator)

I am a parent of a Te Rito student.

Use of funds

The funds raised through this page will help to cover the costs of Te Rito's marae-wananga. Any additional money raised through the page, and not used on the trip, will go towards establishing a fund to buy kapa haka uniforms for Te Rito.

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Latest donations

Dudly on 26 Oct 2021
Chandana on 28 Sep 2021
Go Lily, x Pop & Pip
Go Lily, x Pop & Pip on 24 Sep 2021
Go Te Papapa
Granny and Nanuk
Granny and Nanuk on 23 Sep 2021
Mane on 21 Sep 2021

Who's involved?

Ryan Bodman's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Ryan Bodman on behalf of To help cover the cost of a marae-noho for the Māori bilingual unit of Te Papapa Primary, Onehunga.
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This campaign started on 17 Aug 2021 and ended on 15 Nov 2021.