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Support Marcus through Brain Cancer Surgery

  • Update on Marcus's surgery

      19 February 2021
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    It's has been one week since Marcus's surgery.

    Marcus and Kara want to thank each and every one of you who has reached out, offered your support, donated to Marcus’s Givealittle page, and helped them in any way shape or form. They are so humbled and appreciative and it’s amazing to see the love pour out in their direction. We wanted to share an update and some photos that show a glimpse of the week that has been.

    Last Thursday Marcus had a craniotomy to remove a large frontal lobe brain tumour. The tumour resection went well and the surgeons were happy with the margins they achieved. During recovery, Marcus was initially able to verbalise but then deteriorated, so he was sent for a post-op CT which showed some haemorrhage/blood pooling in his brain. By the time Marcus got back to the ward after recovery and we were able to see him, he was mostly non-verbal and was experiencing left-sided hemiplegia (paralysis of the left side of his face and limbs). Both of these post-surgical symptoms were uncommon and unexpected in Marcus's case given where the tumour was located.

    Over the first few days post-op Marcus’s speech slowly improved, and we are happy to say that it is now vastly improved! He may still have some speech therapy for high-level/complex speech, especially since medical terminology is part of his job.

    During the week Marcus started to regain feeling and some reflexes in his left side. He now has some voluntary movement in his left foot and much more movement of his facial muscles and eyes. This means he is experiencing left-sided hemiparesis (muscle and limb weakness), and the surgeons believe that with the brain swelling and surgical wound healing, as well as physical rehabilitation, he will be able to regain function in his left side. Marcus has already started physical therapy and has been practicing holding himself steady when sitting and even standing only 5 days post-op!

    Yesterday Marcus was transferred back to Palmerston North Hospital and is in the STAR Rehabilitation ward. He has also been referred to ABI Rehabilitation (Acquired Brain Injury Rehab) in the Hutt so we may be headed there for some specialised rehab over the next few months. We are still awaiting the formal histology results and an oncology referral to find out whether Marcus will be having any radiation or chemo.

    Marcus has been so strong throughout all of this, he is so courageous and resilient and we know that all the support and love from everyone is helping to hold him up. We know he will throw himself into any physical rehabilitation challenge and is determined to take control of his life and body. His new motto is “my mind is in control, not my body”.

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    • 22/02/2021 by Christopher

      Great to see you making progress buddy! Keep up your super positive attitude with a new appreciation for your friends and family. :)

  • Update on Marcus's surgery

      13 February 2021
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    Marcus had surgery on Thursday and is recovering in Wellington hospital. Neurosurgeons are happy with how his surgery went and were able to remove most or all of the tumor. We have to wait a bit longer for pathology. Marcus is experiencing some common and some not so common post-craniotomy symptoms so we are taking it day by day to get through those. Still keeping positive energy around him and reminding him of his inner strength.

    We would like to say a HUGE thankyou to everyone that has donated, for all your support, kind words and wishes. Its so very very appreciated by Kara and Marcus. ❤

    *Photo from before surgery*

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