Pasifika siblings from South Auckland representing NZ in the World Championship Of Performing Arts

$4,355 of $15,000 goal
Given by 37 generous donors in around 4 months

Maretta Brown and Psalms Vaotuua have `been selected to represent NZ at the 26th Annual World Championships of Performing Arts July 2023.


Samoan siblings Maretta Brown, 19, and Psalms Vaotuua, 14, from Mangere, South Auckland have been selected to represent NZ at the 26th Annual World Championships of Performing Arts 2023. Team NZ will represent NZ for the 14th time in Los Angeles California. Participants from over 60 countries are invited to compete at this prestigious event.

Maretta is a 19 year old aspiring artist, Singer, Songwriter and guitarist. She has been writing songs since her childhood, which she says helped her develop her confidence and cope with her health setbacks. She attended St Marys College where she entered Auckland Council’s Stand up Stand out in 2020 and was a successful entrant interviewed by Radio New Zealand. In 2021 Maretta was selected as a Semi-finalist and recorded an original piece with Niu Fm. In 2022 Maretta recorded with Bodies of Art who are a collective of low vision and blind artists, that collaborated to produce a piece.

Psalms is a 14 year old self taught drummer. Psalms has been playing drums since infanthood starting on the pots and pans and graduating to an adult drum kit at 3years old. He started playing at Church with his family and for school masses when he was 7 years old. He had his first taste of competition when his band from Holy Cross Papatoetoe entered Band Quest in year 5. In 2021 his band Sound of La Salle entered Tangata Beats and won the Auckland Region heats. In 2022, their band came first place of Tangata Beats National Competition.

Athaliah Brown's involvement (page creator)


Use of funds

Funds for their flights, accommodation, team gear and required payments of the competition.

Funds will be released to our mum.

Latest update


With one week before take off to LA, we’d like to extend a massive thank you to everyone who contributed to our Givealittle🙏🏼 Because of your support, we can attend the World Championships of Performing Arts. Representing New Zealand is a very humbling experience and we hope to make you, your whanau & our country proud!

Love & blessings always,

Maretta Brown & Psalms Vaotuua🩶

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Latest donations

Masoe Family (Viscount St)
Masoe Family (Viscount St) on 13 Jul 2023
All the best in America!☺️
Dennis & Teena
Dennis & Teena on 04 Jul 2023
Arthur on 28 Jun 2023
Love from the Solomon aiga Melbourne
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 13 Jun 2023
Dorothy on 09 Jun 2023
Love you Maretta

Who's involved?

Athaliah Brown's avatar
Created by Athaliah Brown
Teuila Vaotuua's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Teuila Vaotuua on behalf of Maretta Brown and Psalms Vaotuua
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This campaign started on 16 Mar 2023 and ended on 16 Jul 2023.