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Help keep Martyn Payne in NZ

$1,241 of $25,000 goal
Given by 47 generous donors in 8 weeks

Martyn Payne lives in Kerikeri, Northland. He immigrated to New Zealand 9 years ago from the UK. His family live here. His children and gra


He is being deported because New Zealand Immigration say a heart condition could cost the New Zealand tax payer $25,000. This wonderful family man MUST stay in New Zealand. Help us to help him raise $25,000 to aid in costs incurred to secure his residency. And please write to Nikki Kaye and make your plea for Martyn to stay http://www.nikkikaye.co.nz/contact/

Latest donations

Private Donor
Private Donor on 03 Sep 2013
donation made via The Angel Project account
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Sep 2013
Re the decision to boot out Martyn Payne, this is just plain unbelievable, ridiculous, cruel and inhumane. It simply does not make financial sense getting rid of a business that turns over 2 million dollars a year in case of a "potential" $25k health bill....it does not add up in any shape or form. Martyn will have spent close to that amount fighting for his right to stay in NZ and has even offered to pay his own way in the unlikely event he will need medical care. The stress placed upon him by the authorities is frankly inhumane and public opinion has clearly NOT been considered. Our government is here to serve the people and I trust common sense will prevail and Martyn duly granted PR, not only on humanitarian grounds, but also for the future contribution he will no doubt make to NZ long term, in the running of his business.
Mrs Jane Kippenberger
Mrs Jane Kippenberger on 30 Aug 2013
I have believed that New Zealand was a country which cared about people not one out to split up a family and cause stress and despair to a man who has given such a lot to his adopted country. Write - email Nikki Kaye the associate minister of Immigration - to grant Martyn Payne residency here so that he can be with his family and carry on his business.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Aug 2013
I'm appalled at the treatment dished out to Martyn . He's a hardworking individual who's contributed so much to the economy here in the north.It's such an injustice !
Petermark Automotive Ltd
Petermark Automotive Ltd on 30 Aug 2013
It is hard enough finding people to work in our industry as it is without the government sending someone away who has a fantastic record of setting up an excellent business, employing people and being an asset to the motor industry. You have our full backing Martyn, stay strong and stay in a country that needs you!

Who's involved?

Deb Shepherd (The Angel Project - NZ)'s avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Deb Shepherd (The Angel Project - NZ)
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This campaign started on 29 Aug 2013 and ended on 29 Oct 2013.