1. materials for water mains connection for community garden. 2.herritage seedstock and fruit tree fund.3 general garden tools materials
Manawatu / Whanganui
we are a community group which value garden and permaculture and have started a food forest on council land , we are early on the project only three months and have approximatly 200 square metres of garden space and 40 or so fruit trees , we hold monthly working bees to maintain and add to the gardens with a good number of people actively turning up to help from the community . we also have a facebook page matai st community gardens which details progress and communication of the group ,we are fundraising for materials for connection to council water supply, and irrigation sytem , also for general garden tools / shadeclothe and a herritage seedstock approx, also check out live for the land ;facebook page to see our work
i organise groups to help in the community gardens , also involved and creator of live for the land , based around sustainability and community projects mostly in sharing and growing food and teaching permaculture , check the pages out to see our work ,https://www.facebook.com/groups/986895004736585/