McLean family assistance following quad bike accident

$34,689 donated
Given by 252 generous donors in around 3 months

Let’s help the McLean family following a traumatic quad bike accident

Matakana, Auckland


Thank you all for the huge outpouring of love and support for the McLeans. It has been incredible to see our community come together to help these wonderful people.

We ask you to be respectful and discreet, and make sure your children and others understand the need to treat this matter and the information below with care and compassion.

Paula has suffered a significant head injury, and with these sorts of injuries it is very difficult to predict definite outcomes or understand exactly what the future might hold. Paula is now sometimes conscious and able to answer simple questions. The medical specialists have indicated the path to recovery will likely take a prolonged period of time in hospital. However, Paula’s progress since the accident has been good, and in fact surprised and pleased the medical team.

John is doing an amazing job of caring for his girls, with a huge amount of help and support from many close friends. John wants to thank the community for all the love, help and support.


On the morning of Saturday 28th May, the quad bike the McLean family was travelling on (while the slips on their road were being fixed) slid off the road and went down a steep ravine.

John, Jasmine and Delilah sustained moderate injuries but Paula remains in hospital in a stable but serious condition.

At present, the future remains uncertain but any donations will assist this community-driven family to rebuild and recover from this traumatic and horrific accident.

Claire Haymon's involvement (page creator)

A very good friend of Paula’s and the family

Use of funds

The goal is to relieve the financial pressure for the McLean family while they work their way through the coming weeks and months of rehabilitation and recovery. Any donation, small or big, will be used to pay bills and associated costs.

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Latest update

Paula’s progress  30 June 2023

Paula continues to make good progress, and it’s been great for people visiting her to notice the improvement. She is still having trouble with her memory, and is sometimes confused and agitated, but overall her progress is pleasing. We’re all hoping it continues!

Paula is now allowed to come home for visits with John and the girls, which is exciting. We still don’t have any indication of how long she’ll be in care - but the visits are good news and we’re hoping she enjoys being back in familiar places.

Thanks again for your thoughts and generous contributions - the community’s support has made a huge difference!

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Latest donations

Yvonne on 19 Jul 2023
Multiples Auckland North
Multiples Auckland North on 21 Jun 2023
Thinking of you in this time and sending all the love and best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
Ross n Linda
Ross n Linda on 19 Jun 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Jun 2023
Belinda on 10 Jun 2023

Who's involved?

Claire Haymon's avatar
Created by Claire Haymon
John  McLean's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of John McLean on behalf of McLean family
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This campaign started on 28 May 2023 and ended on 28 Aug 2023.