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Memorial Garden for our Daughters

  • Heartbroken

      19 March 2018
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    A few months after we lost River, we fell pregnant, and were overwhelmed with happiness, this was going to be our little miracle, our rainbow baby. Unfortunately this pregnancy also ended in a loss. At an emergency ultrasound on 27-2-2018 we found out our babies sac had burst and there was no longer a heartbeat. At a tiny 10 weeks, we had lost our second child. We are completely devastated and lost, with no answers as to why this has happened again. The name we have given our recent little angel is Winter Park.

    This garden will now be built in memory of both of our angels and is just so important.

    Progress on funds is slow, our initial goal of having the garden built this summer was unrealistic, and we are now aiming to have the garden built in the next couple of years.

    For the plans we have we are going to need a lot of support and help. We have been saving what we can every week, but every dollar donated is so appreciated and is a massive help, this is going to be an expensive project but I have many ideas and plan to gather names and dates of other angel babies and include their memory into the garden too <3

    Please share x

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  • Xmas Mission!

      25 December 2017
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    It's Christmas Day Today, and to spread light in our darkness we have gone off travelling the country trying to spread happiness in Rivers name.

    We have been giving out wrapped presents with little pay it forward messages all day, and we have met so many people and heard so many heartwarming stories. (We also got to cuddle some adorable Angora baby bunnies - Thank you to the man who brought them over to us, they (and you!) made our day!)

    If you saw us out and about, thank you for accepting our gifts! It means the absolute world to us to be able to do this and give back.

    We have handed out so many parcels and saw so many smiles but we still have MORE to give out over summer!! The gifts may be small but we hope they bring joy 💙

    Merry Christmas all. If you missed us this time, make sure you keep an eye out for us around New Years! :)

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  • Rivers castings

      27 November 2017
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    We got Rivers castings back and they are just beautiful.

    This year has been by far the hardest year of my life. Losing River was heartbreaking, after Tony Park and I were so excited for her arrival. We had already begun purchasing clothes, and necessities for her, which now sit neatly packed away at the top of our wardrobe never to be used. A big teddy bear that Tony won for River at an arcade months back, that was meant to be her first soft toy, sits at the end of our bed by a memorial box filled with her tiny little outfit she wore in hospital and other little things.

    Nothing will ever bring her back, and with each day that passes this gets harder to accept, it will never get easier. I just sit here hoping she will return some day.

    My heart fills with sadness at the thought of anyone ever going through what we have had to go through. Please know I'm hear to talk if anyone wants.

    The memorial garden we plan to build next year some time will be massively important. It will not only give us a beautiful place to sit and be with her but it will make sure that her memory lives on through the lifecycle of plants.

    Donations no matter how small and shares are equally appreciated 💙

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