The Memory Of Brent Hagger

$660 donated
Given by 15 generous donors in 21 days

To assist with the loss of an amazing husband and father


I have created this Give a Little page to help assist Pam ( My mother) after the loss of Her Husband (Brent Hagger) on the 28th June 2017

A Little back ground of Brent:

16 Years ago at the young age of 39 Brent had to have a life saving sugary involving having a Mechanical Heart Valve put in.

8 years ago at the age of 47 he had to also have a pace Maker put in, This then paced his heart 100% of the time.

4 Years ago at the age of 51 he had a defibrillator also put in.

Now over the years he has been in and out of the hospital with issues relating to his heart.

The last 6 months he has struggled with his breathing.

4 Weeks ago he was admitted to Hutt Hospital where they drained 2.5 Litres off his lungs. At this time they told us he had severe heart failure and life expectancy was 12 Months.

2.5 weeks ago he was re admitted to then again have 3.7 litres drained off his lung and a procedure was preformed to try stop the fluid build up . This visit we were told he had 3-5 years life expectancy.

On Thursday 22nd of June Brent became short of breath again and the hospital decided he was not strong enough to have the fluid drained again so he was taken to Te omanga Hospice to manage the pain.

We were told at this time they could not do much more than make him comfortable. Little did we know that he would go down hill very fast and the fluid would build up fast and his heart would no longer be able to handle the pain and work that it took to breath and we lost him 6 days after being taken to the Hospice.

Because of his sudden death Mum (Pam) was not prepared to be planning his funeral.

His service will be held on Saturday 1st July at 11am at Gee and Hickton Lower Hutt.

Thank you for all your support.

Shantelle Hagger's involvement (page creator)

Brent is my amazing father.

Use of funds

Funds will be used to assist with the Funeral costs.

Latest donations

Deane & Denise Preston
Deane & Denise Preston on 10 Jul 2017
We had many a great time with Brent from when he worked with us on the farm to the visits we got in the Sth Island We will miss him but not forget him Legend
Lyn & Alan Prentice
Lyn & Alan Prentice on 09 Jul 2017
tegin on 03 Jul 2017
loveyou xx
Andrew on 01 Jul 2017
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 01 Jul 2017
Because I know and love Heather am willing to help. sorry it can't be more.

Who's involved?

Pam Hagger's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Pam Hagger
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This campaign started on 30 Jun 2017 and ended on 21 Jul 2017.