Mi Mundo Mexicano

$325 donated
Given by 7 generous donors in one year

Supporting local communities in Mexico to have more opportunities in life.


In 2022 two Kiwis, Benjamin and Suz, got together to create a unique café in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Mexico, that is kind to both people and the planet. With a shared passion for education, working in Latin America, community projects and environmental regeneration, they got to work creating inina cafeteria, which means ‘glimmer of light’.

The aim of this café is to create a business that provides free hospitality industry training, and well-paid jobs in dignified work conditions for teenagers and young adults from low-income communities in San Cristóbal de las Casas. Many young people in these communities simply don’t have the financial means to gain any kind of occupational skills training.

Having a permanent, dignified job is life-changing. With a reliable source of income, these young people will be able to provide for their families.

As well as funding the café training for young people and providing jobs, Benjamin and Suz are committed to using business profits to support projects in the communities of the employees of inina to achieve positive social, environmental and economic outcomes.

Use of funds

All money raised will be used to fund life-changing initiatives for local communities in Mexico.

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Latest donations

Bree on 07 May 2023
Estás una inspiración por todos!
Alejandro on 07 May 2023
Buena Suerte profe!
Billy La Bufanda
Billy La Bufanda on 13 Aug 2022
Es la historia de una profesora épica, y legendaria
Alejandro on 16 Jul 2022
Buena Profe :)
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 Jul 2022

Who's involved?

Susan Henshall's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Susan Henshall
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This campaign started on 2 Jul 2022 and ended on 2 Jul 2023.