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New Zealand MindBody Trust web-based 'whole person' resources for healthworkers and their patients and clients

  • The Give-A-Little Campaign Result

      12 July 2016

    The MindBody Trustees want to thank you all for your help. We achieved $6700, which, added to the $6000 already available, takes us a little above the $12000 needed to get the site constructed and up and running. This is well under way now, and we have a web developer who is not only trained in whole person approaches but will also include the Illness Explorer Self-help Pathway for this cost. The IE Pathway was charitably funded ($20,000) about 12 years ago, was waiting for a site like this, and will provide an excellent tool for patients as well as an educative pathway for clinicians who are looking for ways to explain 'whole person' approaches to illness. There is a lot of clinician content to develop and this will appear gradually. I am not sure exactly when it will go live online. I suspect it will be October/November 2016. Once this Give-a-Little page is closed I am unsure whether we will be able to email you all to notify you. In case we cannot, the web address will be (There is no co, or nz, or com). Please feel free to contact me at to ascertain progress or to make suggestions as to what you feel would be helpful content.

    Again, with our grateful thanks, and hopefully many of you will find significant use for the resource.

    Best wishes

    Brian Broom on behalf of MindBody Trustees

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  • 'Whole person' resource appeal update

      29 May 2016

    Thank you to all the donors for your support and contributions; whether small or large they all make a difference, and give us encouragement. We are are now well on our way to our target and the project is definitely viable. The more we get the more useful the site will be for patients and clinicians. And in the light of discussions currently underway it is looking as if we will be able to include the Illness Explorer Self-Help Pathway which will greatly enhance the potential of the site for people to actively work on their own illnesses.

    Again, thank you

    Brian Broom

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