miss 5s step in the right direction

$75 donated
Given by 4 generous donors in around 6 months

to help fund appointments with phsycologist to help my smart happy caring wee girl


My daughter is 5 years old and has just started school she is the kindest, most caring nurturing sweet child you could ever meet.

unfortunately she has some difficulties that point me and family members to believe that she may have autism, sensory issues and possible adhd maybe other things.

This is having a dramatic affect on our lives because we know her behavior isn't naughty but we are needing answers, support and guidance of what is best for her and raising her the right way.

we have been told we need more routine, more discipline, no screen time, no night lights, tell her to just do as she is told when it comes to wearing clothes that physically cause her pain. That it is normal behavior to sit alone in a corner playing by herself or lashing out easily over things she doesn't understand and much more.

she currently has so many different things going on in her wee life from shes scared to go places because people might look at her to not being able to wear a majority of clothing because she screams in pain from the discomfort to not making friends playing alone being put in a separate class at the end of the school day, getting beside herself if she isn't feeling heard and getting so excited she ends up hurting herself.

we all just want what is best for her so she can achieve the most out of her life and not just get pushed through the cracks.

we have seen early intervention, numerous doctors and have been countlesly declined buy every organisation, pediatrician mental health organization you can think of and that is not fair on her so we have decided to go private to seek help.

we have found a phsycologist who will see her but each appointment is $200 an hour we are a family of 5 on one income and no extra assistance.

so please any little bit of help towards funding her appointments to get my little girl the help she needs would be greatly appreciated :)

Use of funds

to pay for psychology appointments

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Jul 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 May 2021
Teleya on 07 May 2021
Hope you find answers this is my with my 2 year old son goodluck
Victoria on 06 May 2021
Hope this helps

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Jacinta Gubb's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Jacinta Gubb
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This campaign started on 4 May 2021 and ended on 4 Nov 2021.