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Mitchells Big Heart - Help Mitch through this tough time

  • Update - home from hospital

      14 October 2017

    Mitchell arrived back at home on the 28th of September after 18 days in hospital.

    Although he is doing much better he still has a long road ahead.

    Mitchell is having fortnightly chemotherapy treatments for the next 6months to treat his takayasu arteritis along with various other medications.

    His heart rate has come down significantly thankfully due to the medication which will be ongoing for the rest of his life.

    Although he is still in denial about what is and has happened he is slowly coming to terms with everything and accepting that with a few minor life style changes and proper attention to medicines and medical treatment he will be able to live a happy joyful life. We are very thankful for all the help and support we have received in way of donations, the fantastic team of doctors at Christchurch hospital, the lovely nurses in ward 12 cardiology and the people who have taken the time out of their days to provide mitch with the love and support he needed.

    Much love Mitchell and family

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  • Diagnosis as of September 14th

      14 September 2017

    Update from Nicky Pasco (Mitchells mum)

    Today I saw my boy Mitchell Pasco in Christchurch Hospital. I met four of the many doctors/specialists that are dealing with "the mystery" man. His main doctor, who I had spoken with on the phone the other night gave me this overall run down of Mitchells medical problems. He wrote me a list as follows

    1. Takayasu Arteritis

    2. Heart failure

    3. Iron deficiency anaemia

    They are unsure if all are interlocked into each other or seperate medical problems. There main concern is the Heart failure, which I will describe as told.

    Mitchell will be on medication for the rest of his life. His heart beat should be between 60-100 per minute. 60 being resting, 100 after a run. Mitchell on resting is varying from 143 (highest) to 118 (lowest) today. His heart function is at 28% and should be between 60-80% for someone his age. He related it to a V6 engine being normal - Mitchell is running at a V3. He is on the highest possible medication for the heart condition. There are trying to tweak the doseage/types to get his heart beat to "normal" and stable. He will not be leaving hospital until this happens. Due to this he is being transferred to the cardiatrics ward. He is currently in a general ward with many specialists coming to see him. I also met with the cardiatric specialsit. The worst case scenario with this hospital stay would be a defibrillator implant. He will never be able to live in a city without a large hospital. He has been transferred to other hospitals for tests in a taxi with a nurse attending. He has had every test available except for the die test via major vein (reluctant for his age), he is getting more tests tomorrow and frequently heart monitored. He is short of breath, pale and at times dizzy from medication, also with at times low blood sugar levels.


    This is a rare condition - it is generally only diagnosed to people of Asian descent. About 250 people a year in Japan are diagnosed. out of 1 million people in America, 2-3 people are diagnosed with this. It is vary rare in caucasians. They suspect he has had this much longer than the 18 months he has felt unwell. It is a slow growing disease. this is what is causing the inflamation of veins in his neck to pulsate and rashes (which previously were diagnosed as vasculitus) He is on high doses of prednisone and another to counteract the prednisone. This will be for only one month and then they will try other medications as long term prednisone can cause diabetes. He had biopsies on the bruising yesterday for this.


    The want to operate on mitchell for this, right through his digestive system for a bleed concern, however cant until his heart is stable. Until then they will not know the extent of damage.

    That is today, it seems to change day to day. Will update any changes tomorrow.

    I am so super impressed with the love and support from family, friends and the super amazing staff doctors specialists at chch hospital. They really are going the extra mile as Mitchell is so unique.

    Bless to everyone for all your help - I would be breaking down without it - Ashley Renee is a super strong amazing mother, sister daughter. Mitchell Pasco is an amazing strong man and Im so very proud of him.

    Until tomorrow my heart felt thanks - a hard day but im confident with all this amazing support from everyone

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