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Momorangi Bay Boat Ramp maintenance

$10,335 of $21,764 goal
Given by 26 generous donors in around 3 months

Momorangi Bay boat Ramp future proofing and maintenance


A working group was created by the Marlborough Harbourmaster to come up with a viable solution to the Momorangi Bay boat ramp as his office had complaints by members of the public, as vessel owners were launching off the beach where public swim at Momorangi Bay. Members from DOC, MNZ, the local Bach owners and Marlborough Council (including an ecologist) where present at the meeting and the following was agreed upon:

The creek redirected back to original bed that flowed down into the bay. Boulders to be placed to ensure the creek would not divert back into the boat ramp area, these boulders should if possible copy the ones used around the foreshore area. The original boat ramp hole dug out, DOC requested the extracted mud and gravel be deposited against the retaining wall where erosion has uncovered the concrete foundations.

The work completed to the creek will blend into the landscape and will not affect the existing ecology as all work is below the mean high water line.

Excavator work and boulder supply to be completed by a local company Leslie Bros Contracting Ltd and will be paid for through this givealittle page. Marlborough Council have given authority for the work to be completed.

The quote is for $21,764 ($18,025.00 + GST plus 5% for givealittle fees)

Leslie Bros Contracting and very kindly donated the the transport of equipment to and from the site.

Please post your email address if you would like a copy of the quote.

Any questions post below

Jonathan Drury's involvement (page creator)

I am the camp representative on the working group and am organising the donations to pay the contractor to get the work done

Use of funds

All funds raised will go towards contractors bill to complete the work at the boat ramp

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Give a little Payments   22 September 2023

Here are the payments from Give a little

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Latest donations

Swaine Family
Swaine Family on 18 May 2023
John on 18 May 2023
Mike Webster
Mike Webster on 17 May 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 13 May 2023
Dorado Twins
Dorado Twins on 11 May 2023
Help the keel of my boat and the trailer!

Who's involved?

Jonathan Drury's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Jonathan Drury
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This campaign started on 15 Mar 2023 and ended on 22 Jun 2023.