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Mosaic for Rose

$290 donated
Given by 6 generous donors in 10 weeks

New Brighton stands against violence and homelessness. Rose’s life will always remembered by our community.

New Brighton, Christchurch

As a local community member, you will likely remember Rose (also known as Barbara) Campbell who was tragically killed in January 2022 in central New Brighton (see article for more detail -


As community members who live close by, we were devastated and shocked by Rose’s journey and the awful end to her life. Currently, there is a graffiti-style memorial on the derelict building at the site. Our community project, which has involvement and support from Rose’s family, intends to change this. In June 2024 we intend to install a memorial mosaic in the community garden of the Union Street Church.

Our project has already:

- secured funding for and completed the mosaic design phase with a local graphic artist (see mosaic image on this page for design)

- been approved a permanent location for the mosaic at the New Brighton Union Street Church garden

- secured a partial amount of funding for the physical creation of the mosaic (i.e., artist's time and resources)

- secured a builder who will voluntarily install the mosaic

We next need to raise $2000 to cover labour and materials to complete the mosaic. Along with this page, we will run a raffle to raise funds. Excess funds will be donated to the NB Community Food Pantry.

We welcome donations from our compassionate community; let's to stand up against violence and homelessness. We want to make sure that Rose’s life is always remembered by our community.

Faye White's involvement (page creator)

My name is Faye, I am the project manager. You will hopefully see our project notified in a few places. We are supported by the New Brighton Project and the Christchurch NZ Organisation. This project has full support and input from Rose's family.

Use of funds

$3000 is needed for the mosaic creation to cover labour and materials. We have already been granted $1000 but we still need $2000. Excess funds will be donated to the New Brighton Community Food Pantry which is in need of funds.

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Latest donations

Faye on 17 Feb 2024
Cash donations for New Brighton Market sales ($5 cash + $15 bank transfer).
Jason on 13 Feb 2024
Supporting a great friend
Faye White

Kia ora Jason, thank you so much for your generous donation.

Faye White
Tracey Shepherd
Tracey Shepherd on 20 Jan 2024
For rose lorraine and brian
Faye White

Kia ora Tracey, thank you so much for your generous donation.

Faye White
Phil on 16 Jan 2024
Love what you are planning.
Faye White

Kia ora Phil, Thank you so much for your generous donation :)

Faye White
Robert on 16 Jan 2024
Faye White

Kia ora Robert, thank you so much for your generous donation.

Faye White

Who's involved?

Faye White's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Faye White on behalf of the Mosaic for Rose Group to create a memorial mosaic for Barbara Campbell & donate excess funds to the community food pantry.
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This campaign started on 16 Jan 2024 and ended on 30 Mar 2024.