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Help us to make the Mount Maunganui Pump Track (kids' bike track) a reality.

$965 of $20,000 goal
Given by 16 generous donors in around 12 months

We are asking for funding towards the build cost of a Mount Maunganui Pump Track which will benefit people of all ages.

Bay of Plenty

We are a rapidly growing Incorporated Society of Mount Maunganui residents who believe an all weather multi-use PUMP TRACK would be great for the local community.

We are working with Tauranga City Council who have allocated us 1,500sqm of land in Arataki Park near Grenada Street, and $25,000 towards the project.

A pump track is an undulating ribbon of asphalt on which riders pump to propel themselves around. An all weather, ultra low maintenance track, it is suitable for ages 3 to 83 – girls, boys, woman and men of all ability levels. The track will be multi-use including bikes, skateboards and scooters.

We have proven experience after completing the highly successful Grey Lynn Pump Track, a community led joint project with Auckland City Council. We know from the Grey Lynn Pump Track that these facilities bring together people from different ethnicities, genders, socio-economic groups, schools and ages and by doing so create closer more understanding communities.

We are working with ‘Arataki Living Park Project’ and with our combined efforts Arataki reserve will become a more welcoming and used facility by the community.

We have the full support of principals from our local schools, representing 3,350 students.

Use of funds

Money will be spent on drainage, shaping and asphalting the site.

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Latest donations

Rick on 20 Mar 2020
Wyatt & Elliot
Wyatt & Elliot on 16 Jul 2019
boys will be pumped
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 09 Jul 2019
Nobilo’s on 04 Jul 2019
Awesome idea!! So hope it gets across the line. Let us know if we can help!!
Brent on 30 Jun 2019

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Mount Maunganui Pump Track Incorporated's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Mount Maunganui Pump Track Incorporated (Group)
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This campaign started on 16 May 2019 and ended on 16 May 2020.