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Mr Maxwell’s Vet Bills (Dog Attack)

  • Message from Maxwells’s Owner & Page Closure 🐾

      14 April 2020
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    A massive thank you to everybody who contributed to the givealittle page! You are all incredible! We could not be more proud of our amazing Precious Paws Family who came together to help out a fellow Precious Paws client and her fur baby, as well as very generous contributors from all around the country.

    Together we raised over $2000 for Maxwell’s vet bills!!!! 🤗🐾

    We have now closed the page.

    Maxwell had a vet appointment this morning. His drains have been taken out and his wounds are infected so he is on strong antibiotics but he is in good spirits ❤️

    Here is an update from Maxwells owner:

    Maxwell recovering at home from the vicious pig dog attack. *photo attached*

    We are so very grateful for the love and care received from Precious Paws Doggie Day Care Cambridge, the amazing Emergency Veterinary Service in Hamilton on Good Friday & Easter Saturday who kept Maxwell alive, Cambridge Vetora who are continuing to monitor & care for Maxwell and to all those amazing people in Aotearoa New Zealand for their comforting thoughts and Give a Little donations - you are valued and very much appreciated / thank you so much🏡 keep all dogs on a lead and stay safe/ Maxwell & Jude xox

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  • Thank You & Update on Maxwell

      13 April 2020

    Thank you all so much for your generosity! You are all amazing and your donations are very much appreciated. Together we have raised over $1000 to help with Maxwell’s vet bills! 🐾❤️

    Here is an update from Maxwell’s owner on how they are doing:

    We all had a good sleep last night, Maxwell is desperate to get his cone off and won’t let me out of his sight! He is enjoying fresh meat with his big tablets. His major wounds look clean though he has scratched one drain out. We are going back to the vet on Tuesday for a summary about where to next.

    We will keep you all updated on how that visit goes 😁

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