Mrs Super Dooper Penny Cooper

$17,645 donated
Given by 105 generous donors in around 3 months

Penny Super Dooper Cooper needs your love and help.


We all know and love Penny. Her wicked wit, her warming smile, her unwavering care, her love and her zest for life.

Sadly, Penny has recently been diagnosed with cancer and is currently in hospital and unable to work.

We ask that friends and colleagues please rally together to donate (no matter how big or small) if you can, to support Pen and Jon at a time when they are really in need of some financial help.

Thank you,

Tam & Eve

Eve Cheesmur's involvement (page creator)

Penny has been a dear friend for many years. We think this is a great opportunity for the community Pen has supported for so many years, to be able to support her in a time of need.

Use of funds


Unfortunately, Penny passed away peacefully on Saturday 27th April.

I know Pen was very grateful to see the contributions and support roll in from this page, and that Jon is very thankful to be able to use this money to help him over the next while for living expenses.


Pen & Jon will be using these funds for day to day living.

Latest update

Pen's passing  2 May 2019

Hello all,

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to this page.

Unfortunately, Penny passed away peacefully on Saturday 27th April.

Her service will be held at Schnapper Rock Cemetery this Saturday 4th April at 11.15am for those who would like to attend.

I know Pen was very grateful to see the contributions and support roll in from this page, and that Jon is very thankful to be able to use this money to help him over the next while for living expenses.

Kind regards,

Eve & Tam.

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Latest donations

Brenda on 15 May 2019
chucking it before the lurking wolves with love
Mel J
Mel J on 07 May 2019
WOM on 06 May 2019
Our prayers and thoughts are with you, please accept our heartfelt sympathies. Lots of love.
Luke Nola
Luke Nola on 04 May 2019
Penny was a positive funny character always upbeat and supportive. We need to cherish these kinds of people and hold them dear. Jon my heart is saddened by this news and I'm sorry I can't be there right now with you. Sandy and I send all our love to you. Luke
Sandra & Blake
Sandra & Blake on 03 May 2019
Much love & deepest condolences to Jon, family & close friends. Penny was such a special lady. xx

Who's involved?

Eve  Cheesmur's avatar
Created by Eve Cheesmur
Jon Cooper's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Jon Cooper
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This campaign started on 18 Apr 2019 and ended on 19 Jul 2019.