We aim to re-open a short,popular walking track on Mt. Somers that was closed after the earthquakes.
The Mt Somers Walkways Society are well advanced in planning an alternative to the eathquake damaged Sharplin Falls Track.We have our sleeves rolled up but need help with donations for 2 bridges & digger work to form the track.This is in conjunction with the Department of Conservation.
The Mount Somers Walkways Society is a small,outdoor minded group formed 40 years ago to help with tracks & weed control around Mt Somers,our favourite mountain.This is done with the blessing of the Department of Conservation.
The $ will be spent on forming track,using a small digger,building a viewing platform & commissioning 2 bridges.So far,our costings indicate that we'll need $200,000 & the project will only go ahead once all consents are in hand.
Permission to build new track granted 30 November 2021
DOC has approved a concession for the Mt Somers Walkways Soc. to build a new track to view Sharplin Falls
Thank you very much for your generosity.