My brother in law has lost his battle

$1,160 of $2,600 goal
Given by 7 generous donors in 4 weeks

To raise funds to help with funeral expenses


My brother in law passed away on 17th January 2021 after a very long battle with a brain tumour.

His journey began 8 years ago when it was first discovered by his neurosurgeon.

He underwent a delicate operation and after radiation therapy, we thought it was gone.

Sadly, just 5 years later it was back, and back with a vengeance. He underwent a second surgery but this time it was found to be malignant and it had grown tremendously.

He did more radiation and even did a final third round at which point his neurosurgeon let him and his family know that further surgery and radiation was no longer an option.

Even though they tried everything to secure the future of their family, it was still not enough and was even worse when Covid-19 hit.

The funeral costs are expensive and with my sister not being able to work straight after the funeral, she will be needing help to meet those costs.

If you are able to help towards the goal, please follow the link.

If you can't, please share.

bev glendon's involvement (page creator)

She is my sister

Use of funds

Funeral expenses and loss of income for her with being a carer

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Latest update

My sisters loss  30 May 2021

A quick update to thank everyone who donated to my give-a-little appeal.

Although 3 months have passed since that was created, things will never really "settle" for my sister and her children.

They were two sides of the same coin and now there is just one.

It's been extremely difficult and whilst I'd live to update that things have been a bit easier, they have not.

All three are dealing with this enormous loss in their own way but my sister feels that pressure a whole lot more.

My heart goes out to anyone who has to experience this kind of immense loss.

RIP G-nom-ee. You are loved and missed every single day.

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Latest donations

Greta on 11 Feb 2021
Dylan on 05 Feb 2021
Our hearts are broken . Love always Dylan and Jess
Helen on 05 Feb 2021
Renee, Warrick and Kewen, you are all on our thoughts and prayers 🙏
Belinda on 04 Feb 2021
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 Feb 2021

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bev glendon's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, bev glendon on behalf of Renee Swarts
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This campaign started on 28 Jan 2021 and ended on 28 Feb 2021.