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My daughter diagnosed with Brain Cancer, now it’s my turn to beat Stage 4 Hodgkin Lymphoma

  • 2/12 Round of Chemo

      21 March 2025
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    After my first round of Chemo, I have been in and out from the hospital. Due to chest pain and severe abdominal pain. I had a lot of testing, I started a new medication for my pericarditis (fluid around the heart) when I got admitted for chest pain. I got discharged after 3 days. But after few days I got admitted again due to severe abdominal pain which keeps me awake at night. I have been admitted for 3 days, I had ct scan which shows that I’m constipated. And the medication I was advised to stop the additional medication for my pericarditis which contribute for my abodominal pain They found a scarring on my spine which they will monitor it.

    Since I got discharged I feel much better. And I can able to eat because my mouth sores is healed before I start my 2nd round of chemo. I eat as much as possible to regain some weight before my chemo.

    20/3 2nd round of chemo. It went well, apart from feeling fatigue and sleepiness after the infusion. Same thing happened from the first cycle.

    I’d like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who extends their kind support. My sister and my auntie from the Philippines is now here with me to support me as well on my journey beating this disease. I can now focus on getting better.

    Thank you VERY MUCH! I really appreciate everyone for you kind support, for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.

    May God bless you and your family, and bless you with good health! 💛


    Melody x

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  • 1st Cycle of ABVD

      8 March 2025
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    Hi Everyone,

    on 6/3

    I had my PICC line procedure, and another heart ultrasound.

    I had my first cycle of ABDV. After the first infusion of Doxorubicin, I felt tired and went to sleep. Nurse wakes me up that all the 4 chemo drugs are done. Went back in my ward and back to sleep until 8pm.

    The following day, I’m glad that I can be discharge. Because my husband called me that Tala “Yenyen” is vomiting at my MIL’s house. She got the same bugs like Nicko’s.

    I took taxi ride to go home and get my car, I pick up my kids and went home. She cannot tolerate her NG feeds, I replace it with pedialyte to keep her hydrated.

    Please pray with me. 💛

    Thank you and God bless everyone 🙏🏻

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  • Current Condition

      5 March 2025
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    Thank you everyone for all your kind support, encouraging messages and prayers.

    Just a short timeline for the past 2 weeks

    19/2 I had my lung function test - Normal

    25/2 Pet Scan to see what areas are affected, and to complete the staging

    26/2 1st Dental procedure

    1/3 Cardiac Investigation (heart ultrasound) - Normal

    3/3 2nd dental procedure

    4/3 Met with my haematology team, and we discussed that I’ll be starting my chemo on 10/3. My regimen is ABVD

    Today at 4am I sent my son to MMH ED because he got sick, fever, diarrhoea and vomiting. While they are assessing his condition. I suddenly have chest pain which is more painful than usual. Nurse asked me if I want to get check as well. I said— yes.

    My son got viral illness and Gastro.

    I had Chest X-Ray, bloodtest, ECG and heart ultrasound.

    The heart ultrasound I got 4 days ago came out normal. But today, the result came out unexpected.

    I have fluid in my heart which cause by Lymphoma.

    My Dr’s told me I need to get admitted for further test and monitoring. And I will have my Chemo ASAP. Maybe tomorrow or the next day.

    I will have PICC line inserted too.

    And a CT scan to see if I have any blood cloths on my lungs.

    I think there’s a purpose that why my son got sick, and that before I pass exit 444 I made a choice of going to MMH instead of starship.

    I’m still thankful that I’m in the right place, to get treated.

    Thank you everyone! Please pray with me. 💛

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