My father is in need of financial help

$40,012 of $70,000 goal
Given by 517 generous donors in over a year

Raising money for my father to help pay off the hospital payment's


My father john lobo had come to new zealand From Goa India on a visit visa last year to help me with my 2 year old son as me and my husband Daryl Barco are employed. On 30 December last year my father suffered a heart attack and was admitted to waitakere hospital on his examination doctors found blockages in his arteries and suggested open heart surgery he has undergone the surgery on 11 january in auckland hospital.

In the present circumstances, with our accommodation, childcare and with economic losses in our wages due to the pandemic we are unable to meet the medical payments to the hospital

Please consider our case as an emergency and do assist us financially.

Karen Barco's involvement (page creator)

His daughter

Use of funds

The money will be spent on paying off the hospital for the surgery and other payments to the hospital

Latest update

Need of financial help  21 January 2022

John Lobo 69, came from India to New Zealand to visit his grandson Kenan now 3years old and to help his daughter Karen Barco and her husband Daryl Barco, both busy with their jobs. In January 2020, John suffered a heart attack and had to be rushed to the Waitakere Hospital. He had no insurance and was slapped with $23473 for charges of services. For surgery he was sent to the Auckland Hospital where for the surgery and other services he had to pay $40,725. With is gigantic amount of $64,000, the Barcos are at a total loss not knowing what to do. The Barcos make just $1500 with a mortgage of $650. They are struggling to make ends meet. After posting on Givealittle they were able to receive 37.786.59 from generous donors. Besides for nutrition and medication they incurred expenses more than $5,500. They now have an outstanding amount of $32000 to be paid to the hospital. We appeal to people to consider our case and please help us at your earliest. Thank you. God bless.

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Latest donations

hung hsuan
hung hsuan on 18 Apr 2022
Philomena on 07 Mar 2022
Hi Daryl - This is toward your father-in-law's medical expenses. Hope you are able to pay off the medical debts. Warm Regards Philo Fernandes
bob on 28 Feb 2022
all the best John, bob
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Feb 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Feb 2022

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Karen Barco's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Karen Barco on behalf of My father
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This campaign started on 22 Jan 2021 and ended on 21 Apr 2022.