My Leukaemia

$11,443 donated
Given by 140 generous donors in 8 weeks

I'm raising money for me & my family while I undergo chemotherapy. Your help will let me & my family focus on what really matters.


My name is Ava & I'm 6yrs old. Three months ago I was diagnosed with a blood cancer called Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia. My Dr's have given me a really promising prognosis & I am undergoing 3yrs of chemotherapy (which is really hard for me! ). My Mum, my Dad & my sister are with me as much as they can be so I'm never alone but it means they can't work so much while I'm sick. I have to travel lots & my family still have to pay rent & all the other bills they normally pay. My parents drive long distances every week to keep life normal for my sister Ena & to get me to my treatment.

My home is often empty while I have to stay in hospital but it is my home (where Ena & I grow up & make memories) & we want to be there as much as possible. My family does their best to pay the rent but struggles to keep up with all the expenses.

Thankfully my treatment & medicines are free but nothing else is. If you're able, please help me & my family return to normal when & where possible by donating whatever you can. All money raised will keep my home paid for & enable us to stay together as a family & help us all focus on me getting well as I go through my treatment.

Use of funds

Treatment related travel costs & bills. Any excess will be donated to child cancer foundation.

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Latest update

Thank you  25 April 2019

I hope everyone who has generously & kindly donated to Ava can know our gratitude. Thank you all so much. Ava is doing well for now as her Consolidation Phase comes to an end in 2 weeks. There are much harder times to come yet but she is incredibly resilient & will always have her family with her thanks to you all.

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Latest donations

Dan & Daisy
Dan & Daisy on 23 May 2019
Wishing you all the best.
Ali on 14 May 2019
All the best Ava xxx much love to you sweetheart
Veronika und Daniel
Veronika und Daniel on 10 May 2019
Alles Gute und herzliche Grüße aus Deutschland!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 May 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 May 2019

Who's involved?

Daniel Redfern's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Daniel Redfern on behalf of Ava Redfern and family
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This campaign started on 4 Apr 2019 and ended on 31 May 2019.