My Teeth are falling out.

$25 of $30,000 goal
Given by 3 generous donors in around 6 months

I need to remove all of them and get implants or dentures for at least my top teeth to start with.


I have had teeth problems for many years that I believe is due to the medication that I am on for kidney problems, my kidney's only have 51% function at the moment and add to that the 5 heart attacks in the last 5 years.

All the top right side of my teeth have come loose and fallen out and my left side most have broken in half and I have 2 loose. Once they fall out it will leave me with 5 front teeth until they become loose and fall out also. Most my bottom teeth have broken as well.

I would like too but can't afford the expensive dentist treatment to get the rest taken out and replaced. My health is suffering due to this.

Use of funds

I would like implants put in and the cost in NZ is about 25k for top alone. Any excess I will try for the bottom ones as well.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Oct 2018
Anonymous on 04 Oct 2018
Private Donor
Private Donor on 04 Oct 2018
Private Donor
Private Donor on 04 Oct 2018

Who's involved?

Craig Watkin's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Craig Watkin
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This campaign started on 4 Oct 2018 and ended on 4 Apr 2019.