Nah-Aah: ZERO WASTE nice cream initiative!

$617 of $5,000 goal
Given by 13 generous donors in around 5 months

Nah-Aah is a nice-cream initiative with a ZERO WASTE dream. Our product is completely compostable and recyclable. Our


Nah-Aah is a ZERO WASTE nice-cream initiative. It's vegan, gluten-free, refined sugar-free and highly delicious πŸ‘…

We have a vision that entails a waste-free New Zealand and believe tthe best way to see this happen is to lead by example. Our goal is to travel the country organizing beach cleanups and educate others on the importance of minimising their own waste πŸ™‚

But to get it started I need your support, so I was wondering if you could please jump on my little Insta and give me a follow. The content quality will get better I promise.

In return I will host nice cream events with nicecream for everyone! Woooo!

Charlotte Nield's involvement (page creator)

My name is Charlotte Nield, I am a sustainability advocate and the founder of Nah-Aah nice-creams.

Use of funds

Funds raised will be used to purchase a food trailer to get this business off the ground. A trailer will allow Nah-Aah to travel the country, delivering nutritious, fruit-filled nice-cream to the people of Aotearoa and provide a platform through which we can educate communities on the importance of minimising their waste production. Sustainable, eco-friendly consumer and business practices are essential for taking care of our environment and protecting New Zealand's precious clean, green image.

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Latest donations

Manisha on 28 Nov 2017
Rosalie on 28 Nov 2017
I back you all the way Charlotte! ❀️
Carter on 17 Oct 2017
Love this idea! Can't wait to get my hands on some of this nice cream :)
Aaron Brunet
Aaron Brunet on 17 Oct 2017
Go Charlotte, I love what you're doing, I love your energy and enthusiasm and I support you bigtime. The world needs amazing people like you :)
Toni on 17 Oct 2017
Can’t wait to see this lil baby grow!

Who's involved?

Charlotte Nield's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Charlotte Nield
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This campaign started on 22 Sep 2017 and ended on 6 Feb 2018.