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Naomi’s heartbreaking cancer battle

  • The latest

      18 April 2024
    Posted by: Naomi Argyle
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    Hi everyone, I thought it was about time to give you all an update since it has been a little while. I have no new medical news, meaning I have had no more scans or results of any kind but I have had my first round of chemo. I started last Thursday, 3 hours on a drip in hospital and then on a pump for the next 46 hours at home. The chemo part itself was ok but I did have a pretty bad couple of days once I finished the 46 hours but to be expected. Bounced back since, I do get rather tired a lot quicker these days and rest is my friend. I am currently in the lovely Hanmer Springs with my babies, mum, dad and mums brother Danny who is out from Australia for a couple of weeks to help out. Dad is doing ok, has lost his vision in one of his eyes which, of course, effects his balance but he is getting more confident as time goes on. I have been giving an amazing offer of a couple of nights at an amazing lodge which I personal won't be able to use so I have decided I will start a raffle and will post details soon.

    Again, thank you to everyone who has visited and been in touch, if I have gotten back to you as of yet, it is coming. Thank you for all the love and support from you all.

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    • 19/04/2024 by Gemma

      Your never far from our thoughts Naomi - love hearing of the adventures your having with the girls 💜

  • The week that was

      4 April 2024
    Posted by: Naomi Argyle
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    Hi all, I thought it was time to give you a bit of a week that was in my journey. I was re admitted to hospital on Monday the 25th for help with pain management as we were struggling to get it under control. I had new CT scans done and they have shown a huge growth of the disease on my liver within the 2 weeks. At this point, I have been fast tracked to start some chemo in hopes to slow it down and by some extra time because without, we are looking at weeks (possibly 9). This has been a bit of a hit to my spirits but no for too long. I had a great week with some fanatic people and belly laughs over Easter! I, of course became famous for a bit appearing on Stuff, ODT, The Star,NZ Hearld and even Australia's 9 News page. My give a little has left me so humbled and I am sooo grateful for all the kind and thoughtful words xox. Dad through a spanner into the works by having a stroke on Tuesday night on the way back to his car after visiting me, having it happen where it did meant he got the very best care and is well on the mend. We were both discharged from hospital today and are now so grateful to my dear mum, Sue-Ellen Argyle who is looking after us. Tomorrow brings an exciting adventure, I will reveal all once it beings. Thank you for all you love and support ❤️

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  • Thank you

      24 March 2024
    Posted by: Naomi Argyle
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    I want to say a massive thank you for all the love and messages I have received since last week, it has been overwhelming. A bit of an update for you all. I have been out of hospital a week today and am enjoying being in my own space. I have had a massive week with visits from palliative care, doctors and the cancer society who are all fantastic and we are working at getting a handle on my pain levels. I turned 45 and had the best birthday celebrating with some of my favorite people. A massive thank you to Sue-Ellen Argyle, John Argyle, Scott Ashworth and Keryn Ashworth for your amazingly support, you make everyday a little easier. Thank you to everyone for their generous donations to my give a little page, it has truly blown me away and I have started to plan a few surprises for the girls, please continue to share this page for me 😁. For all those that have asked, I am almost ready to have a few visitors and I will let you know.

      3 comments  |  Login to leave a comment
    • 01/04/2024 by Kayla

      Hey there. We are so incredibly sorry to hear this news. My kids goes to school with your girls. We are wondering if we can help at all with baking or cooked meals?

    • 01/04/2024 by Kayla

      Hey there. We are so incredibly sorry to hear this news. My kids goes to school with your girls. We are wondering if we can help at all with baking or cooked meals?

    • 02/04/2024 by Lynda

      Please accept my sincerest sympathiy for your situation. I cannot believe this is happening yet again. On 8th Feb we lost our darling 45yr old darling daughter. In August she'd moved to Australia, got a job and was settling in to a bright new future. Sept / Oct she felt a little unwell. Nov 8th a scan revealed slightly enlarged kidneys. Dec 8th Emergency Surgery for blocked kidneys and she was told she had Stage 4 Blue Cell Sarcoma, with tumours throughout her abdomen. We had a massive task to repatriate her home using a life flight, which we just managed in time. It has been surreal and I empathise wholly with what you and your family are going through right now. I unfortunately am not in a position to give you much as our savings are severly depleated but I want you to know that you are not alone. My and my family's thoughts are with you. XOXO