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Nasty car crash

$266 of $2,100 goal
Given by 11 generous donors in 4 weeks

Kam's car crash

Taupo, Waikato

Hey im Kameron i recently finished building my pride and joy known as #thatbananasubie and was heading back from a fishing trip when i fell asleep at the wheel and ended up rolling several times and going upside down backwards into a tree. Have got some pretty nasty injuries to my back and pelvis. Has been very life changing for me

Use of funds

Money will be getting used on personal items in lost in the crash and the rest will go towards being able to get a new car

Latest update

Update on my crash  23 April 2023

Im getting better with my recovery slowly. Just trying to make a come back to get a new car and try start driving again

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Latest donations

Bonnie on 24 Apr 2023
Kameron Mcewen

Thank you so much. I really appreciate the donation 🙂

Kameron Mcewen
Mcswag on 11 Apr 2023
Kameron Mcewen

Thank you my bro means alot man 🤙

Kameron Mcewen
Sammie on 06 Apr 2023
Sorry it's not much
Kameron Mcewen

Thank you i appreciate it alot

Kameron Mcewen
Shanon on 05 Apr 2023
Chur bro
Kameron Mcewen

Thank you so much my bro i appreciate it alot 🙂🙂

Kameron Mcewen
Brittney on 05 Apr 2023
Kameron Mcewen

Thank you so much i really appreciate it. 🙃🙂

Kameron Mcewen

Who's involved?

Kameron Mcewen's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kameron Mcewen
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This campaign started on 3 Apr 2023 and ended on 3 May 2023.