Help Nellie get to Belfast

$5,100 of $5,000 goal
Given by 73 generous donors in 9 weeks

Help Nellie who has Down Syndrome, represent her community at Mt Tabor and New Zealand at the International Assembly of L'Arche in Belfast.


Narelle (Nellie) Pemberton has been a core member of Mt Tabor since she was 17 years old. She is now 35. Nellie has Down Syndrome and came to live in Mt Tabor because her parents wanted her to have the best opportunity at a meaningful life in a "family" environment.

Nellie has been invited to represent her community at the L'Arche Assembly in June this year.

L'Arche Mount Tabor is one of 149 L'Arche communities in 35 countries around the world, in which people with and without disabilities live in community together where their gifts are celebrated and their challenges are shared. Nellie will share something of our culture with the Assembly by way of a waiata. Nellie will also experience life in other communities in Singapore and Cork, Ireland. Nellie will be travelling with the community leader of Mt Tabor. She is a leader in the community, having held the position of core representative on the Board of Trustees.

Nellie will return to her community with new knowledge and new friends to share with everyone.


Mt Tabor Trust's involvement (page creator)

As the Community Leader of Mt Tabor, I will be travelling with Nellie.

About us

Mt Tabor Trust was started in 1978 by a group of people who were inspired to start communities where people with an intellectual disability were invited to leave the institutions of the day and come and live alongside people who could support them. Since then Mt Tabor has been inviting people with intellectual disabilities to join them in an intentional community where their gifts are honoured and encouraged and they are welcomed as fellow human beings living and working alongside others. Mt Tabor is an inter-faith community and a not-for-profit organisation with a contract with the Ministry of Health to provide residential care to adults with an intellectual disability. This funding is not meet all the needs and aspirations of our core members and Mt Tabor endeavours to raise additional funds when needed.

Use of funds

All of Nellie's expenses for this trip need to be covered by fundraising; total $5000. This includes airfares $2200, other travel and accommodation $1800, food and spending money $1000.

Latest update

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Donate by purchasing a copy of WAATA THE WETA  7 April 2017

If you donate $26 and contact Mt Tabor Trust on 09 420 9701, we will post you a copy of the New Zealand children's book "Waata the Weta" by Jo Carson Barr who is a previous community leader of Mt Tabor. $10 from every book will go towards Nellie's trip.

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 16 Apr 2017
Jen on 14 Apr 2017
Have an awesome time Nellie! Very proud to have you out there representing our country.
Brent & Jane
Brent & Jane on 11 Apr 2017
Have an amazing trip to Belfast Nellie!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 11 Apr 2017
All the best at the conference Nellie - travel safe!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 11 Apr 2017
Best wishes for your trip.

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Created by Mt Tabor Trust, paying to a verified bank account of Mt TaborTrust (Charity)
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This campaign started on 6 Apr 2017 and ended on 13 Jun 2017.