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New Lifesaving & Training Facility for Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi

$12,761 of $300,000 goal
Given by 148 generous donors in over a year

Supporting the development of the New Lifesaving & Training Facility for Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi


Help Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi get a new home. We're there for you in the water, be there for us on the land!

The current club house is 50 years old. Being on the wild West Coast has taken it's toll on the building, it has become unsafe and unsuitable for effective use.

Over the past 10 years Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi has embarked on a project to design and eventually build a fit for purpose Lifesaving & Training Facility as new home for the club. This new facility has been designed with spacial consideration for community groups to use alongside surf life saving operations.

Events, training and search & rescue operations will also operate out of the new building throughout the year for the local and wider community.

Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi has a membership of 50+ Junior Surf members (aged 5 to 13) and a further 60+ Surf Lifeguards and Patrol Support members (aged 14+). This life saving membership performs over 20 rescues a year, assisting more that 50 people to safety, 30+ First Aids, 10+ searches with a further 1500+ proactive preventative actions involving 6000+ members of the community.

With no club house, this wild part of the coastline will go unsupported by our essential public service.

About us

Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi Inc is affiliated with Surf Life Saving Northern Region and Surf Lifesaving New Zealand and provide beach and coastal safety services on Karioitahi Beach and the wider community.

Use of funds

Funds raised will go directly towards the cost of the new Surf Life Saving Club facility.

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Latest update

We are getting closer!  22 January 2024

The ongoing support from the community has been humbling and we appreciate everyone's messages of support and donations.

We are getting closer, close enough that earthworks have begun to flatten an area to setup a temporary club while we demolish the old/current and build the new. We need this temporary facility to ensure we continue to deliver our services to the community.

We continue to work hard on this project, run other community fundraising events and the next 18months are going to be so exciting watching it all take shape!


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Latest donations

Private Donor
Private Donor on 03 Feb 2024
Phill on 18 Dec 2023
Good work Khouri
Shaun on 07 Dec 2023
Support for Khouri walk.
Angelique on 06 Dec 2023
Well done Khouri, its a worthwhile cause, keep up the hard work!
Corey on 05 Dec 2023
Way to go, Khouri!

Who's involved?

Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi Inc's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Surf Life Saving Kariaotahi Inc (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 15 May 2022 and ended on 31 Mar 2024.