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🍄 New mushrooms for New Zealand! 🍄

$710 of $1,000 goal
Given by 20 generous donors in 21 days

Help to bring a new edible mushroom to Nz! Pleurotus Ostreatus (Blue & Pearl Oyster) has been approved for import for cultivation.


We are a small organic mushroom farm producing high quality organic Oyster Mushrooms and Shiitake mushrooms. Our mission is to bring new mushrooms species to Nz public. Company Name: Sporeshift Mushrooms, Instagram: Sporeshiftmushroomsnz

A new oyster species (Pleurotus Ostreatus) has been approved for import & cultivation by MPI, we are asking anyone interested in mushrooms to help fund the import costs of some good strains. Once in the country, the fresh mushrooms, mushroom spawn and the culture on agar will be available to anyone through Sporeshift Mushrooms.

Your donation will go towards covering: Purchasing the culture, Nz Legal fees, NZ lab testing to prove culture is clean and identified and freight.

Total importation costs we expect to be around $1600-$2000

We currently grow Grey oyster (Pleurotus Pulmonarius), Pink oyster (Pleurotus Djamor), Shiitake and a Nz native version of Lions Mane (Hericium Coralloides) and Enoki. We can also supply grain spawn, sawdust spawn and dowels for logs. Please feel free to message me on Facebook or Instagram with any questions or to show interest! We are here to help get you growing!

Use of funds

Covering importation costs, purchase of culture, shipping, legal fees and lab testing for identification in NZ

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Latest donations

Myco lover
Myco lover on 17 Jun 2019
Just starting a nice. I live mushrooms being Belgian, I use to f to the Forest gathering them. Here on Otago peninsula we have a few species but dreaming of chanterelle, big bolet etc.... Keep the good work D
Flynn on 16 Jun 2019
Best of luck!
8 on 15 Jun 2019
Good luck with the venture. Great to see small Canterbury business doing well.
Shaun on 15 Jun 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 14 Jun 2019

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Sporeshift Mushrooms NZ Limited's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sporeshift Mushrooms NZ Limited (Business)
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This campaign started on 29 May 2019 and ended on 19 Jun 2019.