Nigel and SAS will bounce back!

$2,600 donated
Given by 8 generous donors in 4 weeks

Help Nigels workshop clean up and get SAS back up and running.

Waimauku, Auckland

Fridays flooding hit our farm and SAS's home workshop pretty bad. With 3m deep waters we couldnt get everything out in time. We are doing our best to save and repair what is possible. Insurance will cover a lot of it, but not the costs for feeding our amazing helpers, rubbish costs, lubes and oils to get things going again. All funds from this page will go towards keeping our amazing helpers going and cover the little things that are adding up fast.

Use of funds

Funds will go towards all the little costs building up that insurance doesnt cover. Feeding the clean up crew, oils and lube to protect the machinery.

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Latest donations

Melissa on 03 Feb 2023
This might buy a few pies!!
Mike on 02 Feb 2023
Good Luck Briar
Graeme on 02 Feb 2023
Stay strong . Don’t give in
Nigel and Briar Dunn


Nigel and Briar Dunn
Pana VT
Pana VT on 01 Feb 2023
Hope to see you back on the road asap mate. Top bloke Nige.
Nigel and Briar Dunn

Thank you, appreciate everyone in our lifes.

Nigel and Briar Dunn
Thomas on 01 Feb 2023
Nigel and Briar Dunn

Nigel and Briar Dunn

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Nigel and Briar Dunn
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This campaign started on 31 Jan 2023 and ended on 28 Feb 2023.