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Help Nikki beat Lyme disease and M.E

on 18 Jul 2019

Michaela asks

Hi Kirsty I just read an article on stuff and didn't know any other way to get in touch with Nikki. For the last 5 years I have had lyme like symptoms. Which seem to be getting progressivly worse. I read that nikki got a diagnosis. I have raised the possibility of lyme his with my Drs and specialist however keep hitting a brick wall. I note that Niki got investigations via a Lyme and M.E specialist.. I am desperate to get tested afor lyme are these specialist in new zealand? Any assistance would be much appreciate i would welcome someone contacting me if they can provide me with any help.

Kind regards


Ph 0212170575



Hey Michaela,

Thank you for your message. I've sent you an email to

Warm regards,


Kristy Devries

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