Nina Paripovich - junior tennis players Europe Tour

$1,550 of $5,000 goal
Given by 12 generous donors in 8 weeks

High school tennis player selected to travel with the Tennis NZ u16 team to go to Europe for training and tournaments


The last few years have seen many improvements in my results, including picking up the u14 New Zealand National title for both singles and doubles (2014) and being runner up in the u16 nationals for singles (2014 and 2015) along with being selected for the New Zealand National Age group Team for the 5th year in a row. I am very devoted to my sport, with almost 19 hours a week being spent practicing on the tennis court or training in the gym. I am also currently going to high school in which I am trying very hard in and putting in a lot of effort to manage both tennis and school.

My new target as a developing athlete is to travel overseas to Europe where I can develop my skills and experience. I have been selected to travel with the New Zealand u16 tennis team around Europe for 2 months (June 2015 - July 2015). Your support would mean a lot to me as this is a crucial step towards helping me develop as a tennis player so I can one day become a professional.

Money raised by this page will go towards covering food, accommodation and equipment.

Nina Paripovich's involvement (page creator)

I'm involved in tennis because it is my true passion. I've been playing since I was 6 and since then I have been enthusiastic to improve and continue competing. As I have been playing more and more, I have realized I want to take my sport to the next level and aim to go professional. In order for me to improve, my next goal should be to travel through Europe playing tournaments and training for experience

Latest donations

Ivica & Mira
Ivica & Mira on 24 May 2015
All the best on Europe Tour
Nina Paripovich

Hvala puno cika Ivica i teta Mira

Nina Paripovich
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 May 2015
Nina Paripovich

Hvala puno :)

Nina Paripovich
Debbie Moorby
Debbie Moorby on 10 Apr 2015
To a much deserving young lady, who works very hard, all the best xx
Nina Paripovich

Thank you so much Debbie :)

Nina Paripovich
John and Filly
John and Filly on 09 Apr 2015
Very proud of our Zimbabwean born tennis star - Nina we wish you well in your endeavours
Nina Paripovich

Thank you very much John and Filly

Nina Paripovich
Andrew Pervan
Andrew Pervan on 08 Apr 2015
Postaviti visoke ciljeve Nina. All the best. Andrew.
Nina Paripovich

Cheers Andrew, means a lot

Nina Paripovich

Who's involved?

Nina Paripovich's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Nina Paripovich
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This campaign started on 29 Mar 2015 and ended on 25 May 2015.