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Support for Nivek's whānau

$9,216 of $10,000 goal
Given by 349 generous donors in around 3 months

This page is to support Nivek & Shady’s whanau with costs.

Manawatu / Whanganui

Nivek & Shady were close sisters and part of a caring whānau, deeply loved by their friends & family and wider community.

Their tragic passing has been devastating for everyone and we are eternally grateful for the tremendous outpouring of support.

As the new cluster of Matariki stars for those who have left us were announced these little lives sadly slid away.

The use of funds has been updated as it has been confirmed that ACC have covered the funeral expenses, therefore the funds from this Givealittle page will be go directly towards costs associated with a headstone for Nivek & Shady.

Catherine Turbitt's involvement (page creator)

To assist the family of Nivek and Shady and ease the stress of their tragedy

Use of funds

These funds will be paid to the Stonemason to carry this out.

Latest update

Moving forward   2 July 2018

The response to this appalling tragedy has been humbling, the families involved would like to extend their deepest gratitude to everyone who has donated.

After some discussion we would like to update everyone that ACC have covered the funeral expenses and that the funds raised will go to covering the expenses for headstones and unveiling at an appropriate time in the future.

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Latest donations

PORIRUA on 26 Aug 2018
Love use shadybaby ñ miss nive taken away way to soon we love use lots but god must have loved use more añd to gran nan i love u mum and u to dad ur moko's r with use rest easy love use
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Jul 2018
So sorry for your loss of your precious daughters and partner. I hope the rest of this money goes to you to help your recovery. God bless you with all the grace and healing you need.
Finda, Steve & James
Finda, Steve & James on 12 Jul 2018
Nelson and nicola
Nelson and nicola on 04 Jul 2018
Rip nevek . We all love you daddy and mummy love you Your sister and steep dad love you 2 Its hitting joy hard she love you two and misses you heaps All the cats miss you
Tracey Carter
Tracey Carter on 04 Jul 2018
Arohamai so sad.

Who's involved?

Catherine Turbitt's avatar
Created by Catherine Turbitt
Dempsey and Forrest's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Dempsey and Forrest (Business) on behalf of Nivek Madams
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This campaign started on 27 Jun 2018 and ended on 28 Sep 2018.