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No Fixed Abode: For People Who are Homeless and Anyone Able To Help

$30 donated
Given by 3 generous donors in 7 weeks

For people who are homeless to share skills and experience, which helps prevent homelessness now. #InCarAndGarage #OnCouch #OvernightHostel


No Fixed Abode is for people who are homeless to share skills and experience, which helps prevent homelessness now.

In most countries there are two main homeless forms, transitory homelessness and surface homelessness.

Transitory homelessness is people who sleep in cars, garages, on couches and at overnight hostels. They are homeless majority. Surface homelessness is people who live outside without any shelter whatsoever and are homeless minority.

Specifically it’s support for people in cars, garages, on couches and at overnight hostels to find adequate employment for income as well as endurable places to live. They are at risk to experience surface homelessness.

From Tuesday 10 October 2017 (World Homeless Day), your help would be most appreciative to support No Fixed Abode’s crowd fund campaign with Give-A-Little.

Aim is to raise as many funds as possible within six weeks for market campaign development and reach transitory homeless people, who so far have proven quite hard to get in touch with.

Advertisement campaigns will also reach overnight hostel coordinators as well as homeowners with people who sleep on couches and in garages, which encourages them to help someone who is homeless signup and post at No Fixed Abode for support.

No Fixed Abode’s basis is usually your energy, empathy and relationships. However and to get No Fixed Abode’s message out there, this requires quite costly digital advert campaigns as well as there is some overdue website maintenance very much necessary.

Therefore, let’s go for it and achieve our crowd fund campaign. No Fixed Abode would love your support to share this Give-A-Little campaign with family, friends and colleagues as well as anyone else able to help.

No Fixed Abode is an incorporated society and has an official ASB incorporated society bank account, which records every deposit as well as withdrawal. It’s an quite application process to go through, which is well worth it for fundraisers like Give-A-Little.

With care and compassion,

No Fixed Abode

Funds will go to three key areas for development.

No Fixed Abode's involvement (page creator)

No Fixed Abode is for people who experience homelessness to find employment roles and adequate places to live, we suggest income generation for those in unfortunate circumstances ultimately to be an endurable long term solution.

Reason why people are frequently homeless is because employment doesn't occur soon enough after someone moves into new place, therefore it's critical active employers support No Fixed Abode and register to offer employment opportunities readily at website.

Anyone who is homeless posts skills and work experience, people able to support register then complete online form for introduction by email.

People in cars, garages, on couches and overnight hostels usually have access to mobile internet. People who experience homelessness generally have free access to computer at public libraries nationwide and often frequent local internet cafes.

Various support people are necessary and anyone is welcome to help with different skillsets for homelessness response.

People in cars, garages and on couches as well as at overnight hostels are transitory homeless (#TransitHomeless).

Transitory homelessness is temporary accommodation and in this case people transit from one place to another, it's an actual issue for New Zealand's general public to have significant involvement.

Transit homeless are majority, they're at risk for surface homelessness and to be without any shelter (#SurfaceHomeless).

Surface homelessness is minority and it seems like people who live outside are main form although transitory homelessness is also within homeless definition for New Zealand, which is not to have an address (#NoFixedAbode).

Help someone who is homeless to signup at website, register yourself to offer an employment opportunity and provide advocacy support then share your experience.

Use of funds

1) Support For Transitory People Who Are Homeless

• Active employer search and engagement

• Local accommodation provider payment

• Employment packs for new employees

• Public transport access card

2) National Website Marketing and Advertisement

• Digital billboard campaigns

• Search engine marketing

• Search engine optimisation

• Adsense and retarget adverts

3) Website experience and development

• Engage Wordpress development agency

• Enhance website interaction experience

Latest donations

Sylvia Matthews
Sylvia Matthews on 09 Oct 2017
Private Donor
Private Donor on 09 Oct 2017
JP on 07 Oct 2017
Good work and keep it up
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 06 Oct 2017

Who's involved?

No Fixed Abode's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, No Fixed Abode (Group)
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This campaign started on 6 Oct 2017 and ended on 26 Nov 2017.