Northland COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund

$350 donated
Given by 4 generous donors in one year

Northland's COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund will assist our most vulnerable communities.


Northland Community Foundation has created the Northland COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund (COVID-19 Fund). Funding will go towards essential health and community services supporting our most vulnerable Northland communities dealing with COVID-19.

Funds will be allocated out via a select Panel involving a representative from Northland District Health Board and Civil Defense among others. Funds will be allocated to and not limited to: services that provide welfare support for elderly that live in rural, isolated communities. Funds will also be given for services that support people that need to go into quarantine but do not have appropriate accommodation or safe accommodation to do so.

All grants are dependent on donations from our community. If just 10% of Northland’s population donated $100 each, the COVID-19 Fund would be able to provide over $1 million in grants for Northland’s essential services dealing with COVID-19. Please give your support today!

Please note: We realise everyone is under immense pressure right now, so I just want to remind you if you donate you can receive a receipt and request 33% tax rebate from the Government. Go to the IRD’s website here to get your refund:

We would greatly appreciate any support that you are able to give during this extremely difficult time. With your support we will be able to support our most vulnerable population in Northland.

About us

The Northland Community Foundation is a charitable Foundation established for Northland, our people and our causes that are important to us.

Use of funds

Funds will be given to and not limited to: pastoral care and welfare support for our elderly that live in rural, isolated communities.

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Latest donations

Kathy on 11 May 2020
Marnie on 22 Apr 2020
Richard Edmondson
Richard Edmondson on 22 Mar 2020
Greta on 20 Mar 2020

Who's involved?

Northland Foundation's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Northland Foundation (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 20 Mar 2020 and ended on 20 Mar 2021.