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Nurse for Vanuatu

  • A Days Portion

      17 October 2017
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    Hi everyone,

    I hope you are all doing well. It has been a whirl wind of activity over here the past several months as we continue to pioneer our ministry. A few weekends ago my dear friend/roommate/ colleague, Anna and I went away for the weekend. It was a wonderful time of relaxing and unwinding after a busy year of constant change. It was also a great time to reflect on the year, as the busyness of life here in ministry simply ceased to exist in the quite of our room.

    Firstly, I realised how incredibly terrible I have been with keeping updates coming out, so sorry for that. I hope that in sharing some of my reflections of this year you will catch a glimpse of what has been happening over here and some of my heart for what I am doing.

    A wee while ago I posted this;

    “Looking at my life and remembering when I thought I was coming to be just a missionary nurse

    I am an accountant, a plumber, builder and electrician. I am a hostess, a cleaner, a mechanic, a gardener, chauffeur, a chef, and translator, a program developer. I am a physio, occupational therapist and a pharmacist. I am a leader and a pioneer on the frontline of missionary nursing! Life here has its obstacles and challenges but it's fun to see how far I have come from that girl who packed up her life and moved over here with a suitcase with a heart just wanting to do good and love with passion.

    I am doing it and proud as punch”.

    I cannot remember exactly what I was feeling at the time, but I remember I felt super encouraged by looking back on where I have come from. Life here is funny, it feels as if it is moving a million miles per hour yet so slowly at the same time. Super productive and fulfilling yet you can feel as if you're getting nowhere, as change can be hard to see when your constantly emerged in what you are doing.

    When I was in New Zealand at the beginning of the year I was sitting in the church I grew up in listening to a sermon of a woman that had been in my youth group years ago. A main point she referred to was this; “if the devil can’t make you bad, he will make you busy”, woaahhhh that goes straight to the heart doesn’t it?? Well it did for me, and it’s stuck around with me. It was not until a few months ago when I was feeling very tired and constantly feeling run down, I remembered it and took time to ask God if that was true in my life. I really felt that God was telling me that as different seasons in our lives come and go, we need to be in a place of getting a fresh word from Him. Kind of like in Exodus (Chapter 16:4) and the Lord said to the Israelite's that they needed to go and get fresh manna, "a day’s portion" at a time. I feel He said this knowing that the manna was only good for one day, but also He was teaching the Israelite's to have faith in Him to provide each and every day. For me, this concept can be true in the same way with Gods word, as I have found, you just can’t live off yesterday’s revelation. He wants to tell us new things daily, as what He said yesterday may only be for yesterday.

    As I pondered all of this, I realized that dang I am busy, but surely this cannot be about me…? I am doing great things that I know God had asked me to do. I find that often enough in our walks with the Lord we can end up doing things with good intentions. Whether it be that we are still doing something God only asked us to do for a small season, or we feel compelled to do something because it feels like the right thing to do, regardless if God asked us to do it or not. So I prayed and asked, is there something you want me to let go of? I felt quite strongly the need to let go of village pop up clinics and hosting teams for a season. Both things I love doing, especially the village clinics. I toiled with the thought for a while because I knew God had lend me and the ministry into both of these things, and instead of rechecking in, I assumed I was to continue them on. Once I let them go I felt such a peace and lightness come over me. As I said this all happened a couple of months ago, and on reflecting on this a few weekends ago, I realised that my health has continued to steadily improve and I have been feeling so much better all round. Praise the Lord!!!

    These things, that God spoke, had run their course and had become false burdens in my life that I had started to carry in my own strength. I love that even if we forget and get caught up in the busyness of life whether it be at home, work or on the mission field, God loves us enough to remind us to find rest, to allow us to release things back into His hands. He truly is a good good father!

    I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you and watch over you. (Psalm 32:8)

    I know this isn’t the typical letter or update I usually send back home, it’s not filled with little childrens' faces and testimonies of Gods awesome work in this beautiful nation of Vanuatu, but it is a testimony of what God has been doing in my heart.

    Sorry for the long wait between letters, I hope to send one soon about my great time on the ship, and testimonies from our clinic. I hope in some way this can be an encouragement to your heart as it was to mine. Our father sees us, loves us and cherish us.

    A quick update: the volcano

    Many of you have sent me messages asking if we are okay, thank you! Please be assured that the volcano is up north away from where I live. Many people have been evacuated from the island and moved to surrounding islands. All are in great need of safe drinking water and food to fill many more mouths. Our ship sailed up to take part in the evacuation of the sick and elderly, making two trips to and from Ambae to safety on another island.

    At this stage, there is a lot of smoke and sulfur clouds, but no eruptions, although they have been speculated. Please pray for Ambae and its people. Pray for places to stay, food and water for them. Also pray for the communities opening up to receive them will be blessed hugely and lack nothing. Lastly that their homes, gardens and lifestock on Ambae would be protected.

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  • One Year Deep

      17 October 2017
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    It is been wild how much has happened in last month as we have celebrated the Family Care Centre being open one year, we have seen a lot of breakthrough and giant steps are being taken!

    The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows. Surely your goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever. – Psalm 23

    As many of you who have been following me in my journey here in Vanuatu will know about Fena. She came to live with me for three and a half months last year, while we worked tirelessly at trying to get her to New Zealand for life saving surgery. For me and the girls I live and work with found it a joy to host them, but it had its challenges. It felt like we were trying to push a boulder up a mountain and getting absolutely nowhere. While it stretched and tested our faith, the wait has been hard.

    Finally, everything lined up and things where rolling along faster than we could imagine. Friends of ours in New Zealand took it on themselves to approach ROMAC – a medical organisation that helps facilitate children from the Pacific islands get care in New Zealand. Before we knew it, Fena was accepted. We got both her and her mum passports and visas. The surgeon has predicted that she will be in New Zealand for 6-9 months. She will be in and out of a private hospital having numerous surgeries and rehabilitation. The most exciting thing about it all, is that God has lined up things even more beautifully than we could ever even think to ask for…. Fena and her mum will be hosted by a Ni-Vanuatu family living close to the hospital. Not only will they have people who understand their culture close by to support them, the mother that they are staying with, is a Ni-Vanuatu nurse. This means she will be able to translate and explain all the medical procedures in a language and way that Fena and her mum will be able to understand clearly. We exploded with happiness and joy when we saw how wonderfully everything is turning out. Fena will come to stay with us at the Family Care Centre for around two week prior to leaving for NZ in the end of April. Thank you for everyone who has donated supplies, clothing and finances and supported us with encouragements and prayers. Thank you walking this journey with us.

    Also, when we first meet Fena we hosted a young boy with a whole in his heart. Well, he and his dad just returned to Vila for 4 days and was reviewed by a visiting NZ cardiology team. He had multiple scans and tests showing that the whole has shrunk slightly and that his heart is growing well. He has been cleared for three years. It was wonderful to reconnect with them and be able to bless them by sending them home with new clothes for their family and blankets right before the cold season comes.

    In addition to this, we will be hosting a baby with a double cleft lip and palate for a few weeks with month. He is four months old and will be reviewed and have surgery with a visiting surgical team here in Vila. We are excited to help out, but it will be a stretch on our team of two now.

    In other news, Janelle returned to Canada. It was amazing to have her here to pioneer our ministry. Words cannot explain how blessed I am to have been able to spend this past year with her. A few weeks before she left, her wonderful mum came over. Simply amazing to have a mum around, she served us in so many ways, cooking, cleaning, sewing curtains, reorganizing our storage container (a massive job). It was fun to be able to show her all the beautiful sights around here and have a little bit of down time before the next few months arrive.

    Anna and I are now busy getting our duck in a row before we have an influx of patients living with us and also prepare to host multiple short term mission’s teams over the next two months. We have teams from NZ and Kona that will be living and working with us. We hope to set up many “pop up clinics” in communities that have little or no medical care. We are praying and hoping that some of these people coming will catch hold of the vision we have here and want to come back to serve alongside with us.

    We have a doctor and his wife volunteering with us for the four months. They live just down the road and have a tremendous help in our clinics and getting the word out. It has been fantastic to have a doctor on staff. We have run this clinic with nurses for a year so it’s great to be able to expand our scope of practice and options of care that we are able to provide. Dr Nigel has also been taking the time to give us nurses a weekly “in house” teaching, we have learnt more about several differing medical conditions. My favourite would have to be the morning he taught us suturing (stitching), Janelle and I had the bananas all stitched up and looking good in no time haha.

    This month is a has been the year anniversary for our clinic and it has been one for the record. We have beyond doubled our numbers seeing a whopping 160 patients. We have decided to open our clinic doors on Mondays now also, making us open three days a week. We are very excited to see how this goes in the weeks to come. Through a friend of mine here we were able to connect into a local kindy about 10 minutes drive away. We had a great first time there treating 25 children and mummas. We look forward to heading back next week with a small team from Kona, we be doing follow-up care and also doing a skit and game or two with the kids after. I am so excited to see how this new relationship with them all at the kindy grows.

    In my last blog I wrote about some of the domestic abuse cases that we were able to work and assist with. Since stepping out in faith with those, there seems to be a shift in the clinics we have been running. Almost every clinic with at the FCC or in the community we are hearing stories of abuse. People are talking about it, you have to understand that this is usually so hidden and concealed, especially to westerners. I have had these discussions with women, men, children. People from all walks of life here are growing tired of it and wanting to see change for themselves, their families and their communities. We have heard all the statistics and have known that it happens, but it feels a lot more real when we are hearing about it regularly and having faces to put to the stories and statistics we have heard. Please pray for wisdom and discernment for myself and my team as we step in to this relatively new role in the community. We want to be a light, a source of hope and safety here.

    Anna and I have been feeling the call of the Lord to step out in faith, to walk the un-walked road and to push ourselves with stepping out more with different opportunities that are coming our way. This kind of growth comes with a lot excitement and growing pains at the same time. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers. As we are looking and planning the upcoming months it comes with both great excitement and anticipation for what is to come. It is a bit daunting looking forward to all we are stepping into but I have a deep peace and a confident assurance that the Lord is faithful and will give us the strength we need for each step we take. Looking forward updating you again soon.

    Then David said to Solomon his son, “Be strong and courageous and do it. Do not be afraid and do not be dismayed, for the Lord God, even my God, is with you. He will not leave you or forsake you, until all the work for the service of the house of the Lord is finished. – 1 Chronicles 28:20

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