NZ Family In Crisis - kiwi family puts their house on the market to afford life saving treatment

$16,800 of $120,000 goal
Given by 189 generous donors in around 3 months

Helping a kiwi family of 5 get urgent medical treatment overseas so they can get their lives back again.

Whangaparaoa, Auckland

In 2006 Carly (Mum, 40) went travelling and was bitten by a Tic. She was recovering from Crohn’s disease surgery & was taking medication to suppress her immune system unaware Lyme disease was now hiding within her body.

In 2008 Carly met her husband Simon and had 3 children: Ollie, Isla and Arlo.

Carly got sick in 2021. She saw 20+ doctors who didn’t know what was wrong with her. This fit woman became a mere shadow of herself.

Isla (7) developed signs that something wasn't right. She was incorrectly diagnosed with Autism & Anxiety at age 5. The diagnosis was incorrect as Isla was suffering with hallucinations, OCD & suicidal thoughts. Isla was admitted to hospital & was later diagnosed with PANS-an untreatable syndrome here in NZ.

Arlo(2) started showing similar signs to Isla, and was also diagnosed with PANS.

Simon is a pilot and has been unable to return to work under the family's untreatable illnesses & is now the a full time carer for them.

Carly has now been confirmed with having Lyme disease and Bartonella. This is not treatable in NZ. Carly found the Lyme Clinic in Mexico & Dr Omar Morales. Bloodtests showed, Ollie(10), Isla & Arlo have congenital Lyme & Bartonella also-a trigger for PANS.

The Taylor family are desperate to save their children’s lives as well as Carly's, so as soon as they understood the Mexico Lyme Clinic could restore normality for them all, they instantly put their house on the market to afford life saving treatment for the entire family.

Amber Hilton's involvement (page creator)

The Taylor family are our amazingly courageous family friends.

Use of funds

Treatment in one of the worlds leading Lyme clinics, based in Mexico: Lyme Mexico Clinic (

Treatment for the whole family includes: Plasmapheresis, Red Blood Cells, treatment of IVIG, Antibiotics and Stem Cells

Latest update

Update image

PANS (Paediatric acute onset neuropsychiatric syndrome)  10 March 2022

Posted by: Carly Taylor

What it is like day to day with kids with PANS.

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Luke on 31 Mar 2022
All the best guys luke amber and kids
Amber Hilton

Thank you so much ❤

Amber Hilton
Bevan & Lisa
Bevan & Lisa on 29 Mar 2022
Kia Kaha!
Amber Hilton

Thank you so much ❤

Amber Hilton
Hulse on 27 Mar 2022
Thinking of you all. You are all so brave 💕
Amber Hilton

Thank you so much ❤

Amber Hilton
Brian on 13 Mar 2022
Amber Hilton

Thank you so much ❤

Amber Hilton
Nathan on 13 Mar 2022
Good luck!
Amber Hilton

Thank you so much ❤

Amber Hilton

Who's involved?

Amber Hilton's avatar
Created by Amber Hilton
Carly Taylor's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Carly Taylor
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This campaign started on 15 Feb 2022 and ended on 15 May 2022.