To rejuvenate and grow the network, to see the next generation raised up to continue serving the Church in Turkey
Hey there everyone!!!
We're so excited about the future of NZTN, and supporting the growing Church in Turkey. However, for this work to continue in the years to come, we need to grow the network and see the next generation raised up. We have an amazing opportunity to do this through a $ for $ Matching Grant Challenge from the International Turkey Network (ITN). That means for every dollar you donate to NZTN, your donation is doubled. So a huge thank you to ITN for making this possible!
We don't get it for free though - the challenge has a deadline of 31st May 2021, and a target of $3250USD. If we don't reach the target, then we don't unlock the matching grant money. The funds we do raise however will still be used to promote & develop the network.
How will we grow the network? A key way is to redevelop the website to increase visibility and reach. A secure website with a members only area will also allow us to share videos and other content. Promotional materials, brochures and advertising events will also help to increase awareness and encourage people to get involved
We are a network of Christian believers across New Zealand with a heart for the nation of Turkey.
The funds will go towards promoting NZTN, including a website upgrade, branding revamp, updating brochures and covering admin costs. Any extra funds will be held over till next year, to be spent on other projects approved by the Board
Next fundraiser - Quiz Grand Final 17 May 2021
Hi everyone,
In case you haven't heard, we've got the Quiz Night Grand Final happening on Sat 29th at 7:30pm. Check out all the details here:
See you there :)