Let's take back our Skate Park for all kids to use, in safety, and send a message that we're keeping an eye on what's happening down there.
The recent bullying and violence at our skate park has to stop, and it needs to be a safe place for all of our kids to use.
We're raising money to have CCTV cameras installed on the Skate Park - to both deter incidents, and in the event something happens, to give Police evidence they can use to prosecute the offenders.
This is a community issue, and we can't just expect Council to find the money to do this.
By us as a town taking ownership of the problem and finding a solution, it shows the offenders we're not going to sit back and let them get away with it.
Let's take back our Skate Park for all kids to use, in safety, and send a message that we're keeping an eye on what's happening down there.
Let's make our skate park safer again for all kids to use - the installation of CCTV will deter bullying and give Police evidence in the event of an incident. Time to take back control!
Funds will be used to install CCTV cameras at the Oamaru Skate Park