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Ollie needs our help

$510 of $4,500 goal
Given by 17 generous donors in 14 days

Our beloved Ollie needs intensive care and monitoring for the next couple of days. Please help sharing this around!

Christchurch, Canterbury

On Monday 12 August Ollie has dragged himself home. His back legs were cold and stopped working. Ollie was taken to after hours straight away and has been hospitalised since.

We have learnt Ollie has a big blood clot preventing blood flow from reaching his back legs. He needs IV fluids, pain management and medication to help with the blood clot. The main focus now is to restore the blood circulation to his legs and keep him hydrated and comfortable.

Ollie has now been admitted to the specialist hospital and we have been told he has shown some signs of improvement and is potentially responding to his medication. However, he needs to be hospitalised for next couple if days for close monitoring for when the blood clot detaches and the circulation is back as this is linked with some risks.

UPDATE 15/8: Ollie’s blood tests had good results this morning, he coped well on less stronger pain killers and managed to use the litter box overnight. The specialist decided Ollie could be discharged this afternoon (hence why goal amount was decreased). This evening, he groomed himself, showed some interest in food and managed to get himself on and off the sofa. We are continuing his medication and physio and until he is seen by a cardiologist. Still hoping for the blood circulation to reinstate and a full recovery ❤️

Use of funds

As you probably know, the vet care costs can be quite overwhelming. We know these are difficult times, but we believe in a strength of the crowd. Please share this around - hopefully, there are some cat lovers who want and can share a dollar or two.

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Latest donations

Kay&Cima on 24 Aug 2024
Get well soon Ollie❤️
Lenka on 17 Aug 2024
Please keep us posted. Lots and lots of love to you ❤️
Vicki on 16 Aug 2024
Thinking of you guys and keeping my fingers crossed!
Kaachy on 16 Aug 2024
Pro kocicaka. Get well soon 💕
Kristyna Koosova

Moc dekujeme❤️

Kristyna Koosova
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 15 Aug 2024
Kristyna Koosova

Thank you so so so much xx

Kristyna Koosova

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Kristyna Koosova
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This campaign started on 14 Aug 2024 and ended on 28 Aug 2024.