23 August 2023Woo-wee... I'm truly-ruly grateful for the donations and support you gave to my given charity TE ARAROA TRUST. 'Flock Ollie' - which is all of you (you're part of my flock now), raised $4239.60 and while the goal was $10,000, I sadly had to change charities due to not hearing a peep from Te Araroa Trust. Raising money takes hard work, effort, imagination, and the kindness and generosity of LOTS of super-starlings. Not hearing a tweet from the charity we were raising money for, made everything so much harder - especially for a little crippled cockatiel!
Te Araroa Trust has received the amount raised ($4239.60) and while it's disappointing not to have the donation acknowledged, or a response from them for the huge amount of advertising they received when I appeared on television (twice), several magazines, newspapers, radio, and social media, I just had to shake my tail feathers and move on. The fundraising continues with a new charity - HUHANZ - who are loving what 'Flock Ollie' are doing for all the birdiful animals they rescue. Please follow my new Givealittle page and of course my Facebook page: Ollie The-Cockatiel (my epic Kiwi adventure). THANKIES FOR SHARING THE LOVE 🧡