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On the road to recovery for Trav

  • Update #5

      25 March 2024

    Hi everyone, the family have received wonderful news today. The staff at Burwood are allowing Travis, on this coming Thursday, the 28th March to return home to Dannevirke, so he can recuperate and regain his core strength. We are all thrilled at his progress and his returning home. Travis's walking and standing capability is getting stronger though he tires easily. He still has pneumonia but this is being treated with antibiotics.

    The medical plan will be in approximately six months time, Travis will have another operation to remove the two rods attached to his spine and he will undergo a bone graft from his hip onto the broken bones in his spinal column. Fortunately his spinal cord has not been damaged. Travis’s still has a long way to go on his journey of recovery, but considering what we were initially told by the doctors his progress is remarkable.

    We are therefore going to close down this give a little page. Travis and his family will always be grateful for the love, kindness and generosity you have all shown. We do intend to put further updates up of Travis's progress.

    Sincere thanks for all your love, help and support.

    Sarah, Adam, Travis de Visser.

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  • Update #3

      23 March 2024
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    Hi everyone,

    Many thanks again to all those who have supported Travis and his family these past few weeks. Your kind donations, prayers, good wishes and practical support are greatly appreciated. Travis, Sarah and Adam are humbled by the generous support they have received.

    Travis is making a remarkable recovery from his accident. He is able to stand and take some steps with the aid of a walker. One of the doctors said that in 20 years as a specialist, she had never seen a case like Travis’s where the patient was not left in a wheel chair. They can not believe he is not paralysed. Looking at Travis’s scan pictures and the damage he sustained, the family believes his progress is nothing short of a miracle.

    Travis is currently in Burwood Hospital, where doctors will continue to assess and support him. With his remarkable recovery and progress so far, he may be able to continue this back in the North Island.

    Travis is still very sore and has a fair way to go with his recovery. He is focused on continuing to strengthen and move his body, get his apetite back, and recover from pneumonia. Travis is maintaining a positive attitude and is focused on his recovery

    On behalf of the de Visser family, thank you for all your love and support.


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  • Update #2

      17 March 2024
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    Hi everyone

    Thank you to each and every one of you for your support and your kind donations. It is greatly appreciated and will help Sarah, Adam and whānau immensely these next few months.

    An update for you on Travis. He is currently in a ward and is stable. He is taking each day as it comes. He is feeling positive, motivated and determined for the challenges that he faces. He is overwhelmed with all the love and support and it means and great deal to him to see your kind messages. When given the go ahead Travis will spend the next few months at Burwood Hospital where he will work hard to walk again and be able to return home to his family and friends.

    Thank you all again

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  • Update on Travis's Condition

      11 March 2024

    Hi everyone, an update for you on Travis's condition. He is still currently in ICU but is off the ventilator and is now breathing on his on. He has had surgery on his back with rods and screws inserted into his spine. He is recieving the best care possible and has Sarah and Adam by his side.

    Thank you for all your well wishes, Sarah and Adam hear and see all the love and support shown.

    Thank you


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