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Operation Vietnam

$781 donated
Given by 13 generous donors in one year

World Challenge Expedition Laos & Vietnam


My Name is Josh Reece I am 15 years old and have taken the challenge of participating in a World Challenge Expedition to Laos and Vietnam with Marlborough Boys college in 2015.

World challenge provides personal development and leadership programs which teach life skills and expand minds outside the classroom.

This experience of a lifetime provides the opportunity to experience the wonders of the developing world while unlocking personal potential.

While in Laos and Vietnam we will undertake a volunteer project that will significantly benefit a local community. This may involve tasks such as working in an orphanage, teaching english, building a shelter or reforestation.

We will also complete a difficult 5-14 day trek, designed to challenge our mental, physical and emotional capacity.

Be part of my journey and help me reach my target by donating to my cause.

Latest update

Update for 26/08/2014  26 August 2014

Hey all, We have a new FB group, please Like and share with friends and family, all the support helps. https://www.facebook.com/worldchallengeoperationvietnam?notif_t=fbpage_fan_invite

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Latest donations

Chay on 03 Apr 2015
Woo best of luck for reaching your goal homie!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Mar 2015
Good luck Josh, your grandma Mary would be so so proud!
PROUD BIG SIS on 26 Mar 2015
Goodluck bro, go hard and make us proud. Love Karleeta
Flame Ruwhiu
Flame Ruwhiu on 26 Mar 2015
Zane Reece
Zane Reece on 26 Mar 2015
Good luck bro!

Who's involved?

Josh Reece's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Josh Reece
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This campaign started on 23 Aug 2014 and ended on 6 Sep 2015.