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Our Beautiful Sonya

  • She’s on the move - Road to recovery

      6 October 2023

    Our beautiful girl is fully awake, trachea which was said to remain in for the rest of her life has now been removed. Sonya is now talking and holding some pretty amazing conversations with family, she is able to recognise loved ones and friends, at times her conversations are a bit muddled up - but she also is aware of this. She is able to eat and drink with help what a bloody miracle!!!! She has moved to a rehabilitation centre where we expect she will be for quite sometime. She still has a very long way to go as she is still unable to move freely with her arms and legs although she can attend to an itch on her face ;) Thank you so much to everyone who has held our beautiful girl in their thoughts and remained positive even when times seemed very grim. She seriously is one of the strongest people I know! A bloody legend!

    Love from us all xxx

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  • She’s awake 🤍

      26 September 2023
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    Just a quick update for everyone. Our sister has woken up and in the last week has shown some much needed progress. She is able to blow kisses on command, give a thumbs up on command, smiles frowns and has a giggle. Her trachea needs to remain in place at this stage as she unable to support her own airways. Yesterday they placed a small device that allowed her to speak (which I swear she has been trying to do this all along) she recognised all her beautiful babies and said their names and that she loves them. The nurse asked if she knew who Jade was and she responded That’s my Love 🤍. The device will be put in at 30 minute increments each day, to see how she goes. Today she will be moving out of ICU. Her left eye remains closed as doctors are unsure if she may be blind in that eye, her left side has also been affected. Although doctors have said there is severe brain damage- she is certainly putting up a good fight. Thank you to everyone for your prayers, thoughts and positive energy and vibes, donations and love. The journey will be long and hard - thank you to one’s who never gave up hope!

    She may not be the same person she once was but our beautiful partner , mum, sister, Aunty, cousin, friend is still here, alive able to talk and communicate and fighting!

    Miracles can happen - when you believe 🤍

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  • Just love her.

      12 September 2023
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    Update on our Beautiful girl she is still fighting with everything she has 21 days today. Doctors have advised a DAI (Diffuse Axonal injury) - which has caused injury to many parts of the brain. At this stage our girl still has not woken up, she is still currently on life support in ICU. Thank you so much to each and everyone of you for your continued support throughout this time. At the moment we just have to see what each day brings.

    The last 21 days have been an emotional roller coaster, all we can do at the moment is just love her, and pray for a miracle that our favourite person wakes up.

    We will keep updating as we can x

    Jade, Blake, Stace, Bo & Maddi would like to thank everyone for there continued love and support xx

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  • Update

      28 August 2023
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    Our beautiful Partner, Sister, Mum, Aunty, Friend, Cousin remains in a very critical condition. She is continuing to fight with everything she has, if you know our beautiful girl you will know exactly how strong she is, she doesn’t give up. The last few days have taken a turn for the worst, but if you can find it in your heart to push a little hope, strength and love our way, we would be forever grateful, praying for a miracle. As my sister would say to me “I got those big sissy vibes” my sissy I have those little sissy vibes!! Jade, Blake, Stace, Bo and Maddi would love to thank everyone for there continued love and support.

    “Tomorrows never promised only yesterdays a guarantee”

    We love you x

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