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Diamond Harbour and Districts Community Medical Centre Expansion

  • Our goal is in sight. Let's get this over the line.

      29 February 2024

    With an outstanding accomplishment of surpassing 93% of our target, we are now just $40,000 away from reaching our funding goal. The generous contributions received have already set our plans in motion—trees have been cleared, and the groundwork for stage 1 is actively underway.

    As we step into the vibrant year of 2024, your continued support holds the key to bringing this extraordinary project to fruition and elevating a significant asset for our community. Together, let's make this year an inspiring chapter in the journey of transformation and progress. Your involvement will shape the destiny of a brighter and more promising future for us all.

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  • Page extension

      29 November 2023

    We have now reached 93% of our fundraising target. This wonderful progress has been achieved through the incredible generosity of our amazing community and organisations who share our vision. We are also excited to announce the first stages of work are about to commence. In the next couple of weeks the removal of the two trees will happen clearing the way for the site excavation in the new year. Best wishes for Christmas and the New Year and thank you for being part of this incredible journey. For the latest updates and information check out our website

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  • Start in sight!!

      23 August 2023

    The next few months are going to be an exciting time for the medical centre upgrade. With positive outcomes from a group of grant applications our start goal of 75% will be reached and the initial site preparation will follow shortly after. This initial work will include felling of the required trees and earth works.

    Keep updated on our facebook page or check out our shiny new website at

    Deepest Thanks for your support so far and keep spreading the word.

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  • Campaign Extension

      9 May 2023

    We have now raised 52% of our total goal. Thank you for your support so far.

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  • Campaign Extension

      14 February 2023

    Our fundraising for this exciting project continues

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